Adam Nemeth

User Experience Designer


I am for the users. I have spent the last dozen of years trying to create software and webpages which solve real problems of real users.

I have always been more interested in designing applications than writing them, starting at the age of 8: I designed a game on my Commodore 64. When I realized noone is going to write it for me, I learned programming. 

I have been working in the web industry since 2000, first as a freelancer, then as a teamlead-architect, which usually included interaction design as well. I officially received my UX Designer title at Nokia Locations & Commerce in 2011. Never looked back at development ever since.

Technical background

In the past, I was a senior developer at different development firms. I am fluent with JavaScript, HTML, PHP. I have worked with ASP.NET, Python and Java EE as well.

I have a formal education background: 

Software Engineer MSc - received in 2009 from Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Development-wise, I am SOLID-driven, I provide clean code.

You can read some of my code here or my thoughts about development here or here

UX works

assorted by type of work

User Research

  • Interview documents
  • Personas

Press the down arrow to see some examples, 2013

Made for a Financial Audit firm, using Pixton characters so that we could more easily reuse them for storyboards later. 
Based on user demographics and interviews., 2013

Research amongst my friends for a binding shop about thesis binding (diplomakötés)

IndaLabs, 2007

IM Usage of the youth, my first proper user interview survey


"Industrial Comics", as I once called them.
Contextual, visual descriptions of an imagined or current situation on how the system would be used.

Press the down arrow to see some examples, 2013

A simple storyboard to show the power of Facebook event marketing to a Financial Audit firm

A Landscape Architect firm, 2012

Made for a friend; a concept for a park soon to be built in Budapest District V

Nearby Hotels, 2011

A presentation/imagined ad made for my own startup (please step through the embedded presentation)

User Flows and Customer Journeys

There are several styles on how the behaviour of a system is to be expressed.

In his seminal book, Dan Brown shows 24 ways of doing it, and I could show another dozen equally right. 

Press the down arrow to see some examples, 2013

A customer journey diagram made for an electric utility service provider as part of their homepage redesign, 2012

A sequence diagram made in concept phase for electric utility service provider

A dating site, 2012

Status quo of registration at a dating site, with lots of error handlings (but never enough), 2012 

Expected user / page flow of's mobile webapp

Nokia Locations & Commerce, 2010

A classic page flow made for Nokia


The deliverable UX designers are known for. 

Press the down arrow to see some examples, 2013

Made for a small evening classes school, later modified based on OptimalWorkShop Chalkmark testing., 2013

A thesis price calculator made for a book binding service

Nearby Hotels, 2012

Made for my own startup, one of the key screens with its note markers about behaviour

Nokia Locations & Commerce, 2010

These red-and-grey documents became my internal trademark at Nokia (including their user flow seen earlier)


The stage between wireframes and proper design

Since at work, I usually have either wireframes or polished design instead, I am going to show purely concepts here.

Press the down arrow to see some examples

Concept, 2013

How chat should really look

Concept for UX.SE, 2012

A concept for a conference website's search. 
You can look at my most popular UX.SE answers here

Nearby Hotels, 2012

A mockup for my own startup

Concept for Indamail, 2011

 A concept made for my former employer for fun – please step through the presentation

Grid-based visual designs

Polished works with their strict grids

I usually don't do visual design, but sometimes I have to, so I am going to show that I am aware of governing typographical rules

I almost always create moderate, International/Swiss Style graphics with clear visual hierarchy.

Press the down arrow to see some examples, 2013

A standard grid used for "presentations-to-be-read". Typefaces: Oswald (Google WebFonts), Helvetica Light. Key scale is half of baseline. Vertical gap 1cm, 2, 3, or 4 columns

Nearby Hotels, 2012

Font family: Avenir Next, colors designed to project a friendly, "winking", but still business professional image. 12- column vertical grid, separate margins / padding columns 

Concept for UX.SE, 2012

Concept for a UX.SE question regarding form layout

Interactive prototypes

My first interactive prototype (written in HTML + JS,  without backend) goes back to 2001 for Pentatrade Ltd.

I have also used Omnigraffle's interactive PDF features to create interactive mockups / wireframes with hotspots.

Press the down arrow to see some examples

Map concept, 2012

An interactive map engine you can try out right here. Built as a demo of web cartography. In case it doesn't work built-in, try here

See also the related presentation, 2012

An interactive PDF, made with OmniGraffle. Test here

IndaLabs, 2008

Originally a full Javascript prototype, a  video made about a conceptual photo printing partner of Indafoto. Watch here  

IA design

I made my first IA-based website in 2004, with personas, card-sorting and sitemap

I am familiar with card sorting, used OptimalWorkshop tools to test designs, wrote tone of voice documents, sometimes ran association tests with users

User testing and analytics

I have done formal user testing,  but also maintained continous, informal communication with users elsewhere

I have used Clicktale on multiple projects, usually creating videos to summarize findings.

I am familiar with Google Analytics and regularly used that and other statistics to reconstruct typical user behaviour


E-mail: aadaam  @ gmail dot com
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