Alexander Coley

Data Standards & Policy Manager (Defra)


Open Standards

Open Standard: definition

developed through collaboration
a transparent process
due process (through a standards body)
fair access
market support
licensed on a royalty free basis (compatible with open source and proprietary licensed solutions)

Some (political) context

Digital (policy)

Open Data (policy)

standards hub

INSPIRE (legislation)

Environmental (outcomes)


sharing, using and reusing data is easy 
if you have infinite resources and time

Lock in

Sharing data

Using data

Combining data

Effective public services

Some standards

a slightly INSPIRE centric view




Registries and URIs

why WMS or WMTS doesn't help

store yourself or served to

Visualise or Analyse


Linking Geospatial Data workshop

Some Principles

always  open standards

where possible  open data

doesn't work well without the  actual data

always use  identifiers and they need to be http URIs

link to other people's data

and where you can  reuse other people's data  and definitions

there are choices


 best practice is not yet fully described

Where next


Alexander Coley


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