Don't Complain About It, Embrace It!

Ben Centra

What is Javascript?

  • A C-style programming language that...
    • prototype-based
    • interpreted
    • dynamically typed
    • ...has first-class functions 

  • Primarily for client-side web development
    • User Interation
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Asynchronous Communication

History of javascript

Source: Wikipedia

  • First released in '95 for Netscape Navigator 2.0

  • Implemented by Microsoft for IE3 in '96 as "JScript"

  • ECMAScript standard developed in '97

  • Hated by developers ever since*

Tidbit: The first server-side implementation of JavaScript was released in '94 for Netscape Enterprise Server
* Citation Needed

The Basics

Hopefully this won't take long.

Using Javascript

  • In a separate file included in an HTML document
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
  • In a <script> block in an HTML document
    <script type="text/javascript">
        alert("Hello, World!");
  • In an attribute of a DOM element
    <button onclick="alert('Hello, World!');">Click Me</button>

Variables & Types

  • Variables are dynamically typed

  • "Primitive" Data types:
    • Numbers (ex - var x = 5)
    • Strings (ex - var s = "Hello")
    • Booleans (ex - var b = true) 
    • Null (ex - var x = null)
    • Undefined

Variables & Types

  • Additional Data Types (Objects)
    • Objects (ex - var o = {})
    • Arrays (ex - var a = [1,2,3])
    • RegExp (ex - var r = /pattern/)
    • Functions 
    • Maths
    • Dates

  • "Everything" is an object in JavaScript


  • "==" compares value
  • "===" compares value AND type
     if (typeof x === "undefined) { ... }
     var x = false;
     var y = 0;
     console.log(x == y); // true!

Control Structures

  • The Usual:
    • if, else if, else
    • switch (<var>) { case 1: ... default: }
    • while (<condition>) { }
    • for (var x = 0; x < y; x++) { }

  • The Unusual:
    • for (<var> in <object>) { }
    • Array.forEach(<callback> [, <this> ]);*

* IE9 or higher

Using Arrays

// Instantiate an array
var array = new Array("One", "Two", "Three");
var array = ["One", "Two", "Three"];

// Add things to the array
array.push("Four"); // End
array.unshift("Zero"); // Beginning
array.splice(2, 0, "Two Point Five"); // Anywhere

// Remove things from the array
array.pop(); // End
array.shift(); // Beginning
array.splice(2, 1); // Anywhere

Using Arrays

// Get array length

// Combine array into a string

// Find an element in the array

// Combine multiple arrays

// ...and some other stuff

Using Objects

  • Objects have properties and methods

// Declare my car object
var car = new Object();

// Properties of my car
car['make'] = "Toyota"; // Use dictionary notation
car.model = "Camry"; // Or dot notation
car.year = 2009; // Use whatever types you want

// Methods of my car (properties that are functions) = function() {
    console.log("I am driving my "+this.make+" "+this.model); 


The reason why most programmers hate JavaScript.

Source: Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja


  • "Modular unit of execution"

  • Functions are "first-class" objects that can be...
    • ...created via literals
    • ...assigned to variables, array entries, properties
    • ...passed as arguments to functions
    • ...returned as values from a  function
    • ...given properties, dynamically created/assigned

    • Functions are special in that they can be invoked

    Function Declaration

    1. Use the function keyword
    2. A valid (but optional) name
    3. Parameters, comma separated, within ()'s
    4. Body, JavaScript statements within {}'s

    // Here is a plain ol' named function with one argument
    function addFiveToIt(arg1) {  
        // Do something, maybe even return a value  
        return arg1 + 5;

    Function Parameters

    • # Parameters ==  # Arguments
      • Everything goes as planned

    • # Parameters > # Arguments
      • Missing parameters set to "undefined"

    • # Parameters < # Arguments
      • Extra arguments still found in arguments "array"

    Function Scope

    • Scopes declared by functions, not by blocks!
      • Variables are in scope from declaration until the
        end of the function in which they are declared
      • Named functions are in scope within the entire function
        in which they are declared (also called "hoisting")
      • "Global" context acts as a big function encompassing all the code

    Quiz Time!

    var x = 0;
    function outer() {
        var a = 1;
        function inner() {
            var b = 2;
            if (a == 1) {
                var c = 3;
    • Where can I call outer()? inner()?
    • What are the scopes of x, a, b, and c?

    Using Callbacks

    Pass a function as a parameter to another function!

    // Pass a reference to an existing function
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", readyFunction);
    // Use an anonymous function
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
       // Function body goes here


    If you're done with functions, skip ahead.

    If not, let's keep trudging along.

    Function Invocation

    1. As a function (straightforward)
    2. As a method, tie invocation to an object
    3. As a constructor, create a new object
    4. Via its apply() or call() methods

    Each method affects function context ("this")

    Invocation as a function

    Use () operator on an expression that references a function.

    function namedFunction() { }
    var anotherFunction = function() { }

    this refers to the global context (window)

    Invocation as a method

    Use () operator on a property of an object that is a function.

    var car = {};
    car.topSpeed = 100; = function() { console.log("I'm driving at "+this.topSpeed); }; 

    this refers to the object to which the method belongs

    Invocation as a Constructor

    Use the new keyword on a function to set up a new object.

    function Car(make, model) {
        this.make = make;
        this.model = model;
    var car = new Car("Toyota", "Camry"); 

    this refers to the new object being created.

    Apply() and Call()

    Two methods of functions, allow you to make the function context whatever you want.

    var subject = {};
    function action() {
        this.affect = arguments[0];
    action.apply(subject, [1,2,3]);, 4, 5, 6);

    Quiz Time!

    var horse = new Horse("Jimmy"); 
    listAllHorses(stable);, 100);

    • Identify the different types of function invocation
      used above

    DOM Manipulation

    The reason why ALL programmers hate JavaScript.

    What is the 'dom'?

    Source: Wikipedia

    • Document Object Model

    • Standard way to represent HTML/XML documents

    • Organized as a tree of all elements

    • Interact with the DOM through an API

    Querying the dom

    // Select an element by ID
    var container = document.getElementById("container");
    // Select elements by class name
    var bolds = document.getElementsByClassName("strong");
    // Select elements by tag name
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    // New-fangled querying using CSS Selectors!
    var container = document.querySelector("#container");
    var bolds = document.querySelectorAll(".strong");
    var bolds = container.querySelectorAll(".strong");

    creating elements

    // Create a new element and give it some content
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    var content = document.createTextNode("Lorem ipsum");
    // Append the element to the document
    // Append the element to some other element
    var container = document.getElementById("container");

    updating elements

    // Select an element
    var input = document.createElement("input");
    // Set some attributes
    input.setAttribute("type", "text");
    input.setAttribute("class", "textfield");
    input.setAttribute("onchange", "updateValue(this.value)");
    // Get some attributes
    // Delete an element

    Event Handling

    User Interactions, Yeah!

    EVent Model

    • When something happens, an event is triggered
      • Ex) User interaction

    • Listen for events on DOM elements

    • Write functions to handle events

    Mouse Events

    • Handle user input from a mouse
    • Common events:
      • onclick
      • onmousedown
      • onmouseover
      • onmouseup
      • onmouseout

    Example - Mouse Event

    <!-- Do it with HTML attributes -->
    <button onclick="doSomething();">Click Me!</button>
    // Handler from HTML example
    function doSomething() { console.log("AAA"); }
    // Or do it with JavaScript
    var button = document.querySelectorAll("button")[0];
    button.onmouseover = function() { console.log("BBB"); }

    Keyboard Events

    • Handle user input from a keyboard
    • Common events:
      • onkeypress
      • onkeydown
      • onkeyup

    Example - Keyboard Event

    <!-- Do it with HTML attributes -->
    <input type="text" onkeyup="displayText(this.value)"/>
    // Handler from HTML example
    function displayText(text) { console.log(text) }
    // Or do it with JavaScript
    var input = document.querySelector("input")[0];
    input.onkeypress = function(e) { console.log(e.keyCode); } 

    Frame/Object Events

    • Handle changes in the <body>, the window, etc
    • Common events:
      • onload
      • onunload
      • onscroll
      • onresize

    Example - Frame Events

    <!-- Do it with HTML attributes -->
    <body onload="loadData()">...</body>
    // Handler from HTML example
    function loadData() { /* AJAX or something */ }
    // Or do it with JavaScript
    window.onload = loadData;

    Form Events

    • Handling events in form fields (<input>, etc)
    • Common events:
      • onblur
      • onfocus
      • onchange
      • onselect
      • onsubmit
      • onreset

    Example - Form Events

    <!-- Do it with HTML attributes -->
        <input type="text" onchange="updateValue(this.value)"/>
    // Handler from HTML example
    function updateValue(val) { globalVal = val; }
    // Or just do it with JavaScript
    var form = document.querySelectorAll("form")[0];
    form.onsubmit = function () { /* AJAX or something */ }

    AJAX Requests

    Get yourself into that Web 2.0 hotness!

    WHat Is 'AJAX'?

    • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

    • Use to request data from a server-side source
      • Files (XML, JSON, text, etc)
      • Database

    • Uses the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object

    • Standardized in 2006 by W3C

    Initialize the request object

    // Create the request object
    var xmlhttp;
    // Feature detection for real browsers
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // Fake browsers (IE6 and below)
    else {
        xmlhttp = ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

    Handle the Response

    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        // Only act on a successful response
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
            // Do Something

    Make The Request

    // Make a GET request"GET", "data_source.php", true); 
    // Make a POST request (i.e. submit a form)"POST", "data_source.php", true);

    Object-oriented javascript

    That's right, I said it.

    Functions as Constructors

    • Declare your instance variables in the function body
    • These things will only apply to the object created
    function Car(make, model, year) {
        this.make = make;
        this.model = model;
        this.year = year;
        this.speed = 0;
    // Create an instance of Car
    var myCar = new Car("Subaru", "Outback", 2006);

    Object Prototypes

    • All objects of a type share a common prototype
    • Define all shared values/methods there

    Car.prototype = {
        drive:function() { ... }
        speedUp:function(spd) { this.speed += spd; },
        slowDown:function(spd) { this.speed -= spd; },
        maxSpeed: 100,
        minSpeed: 0
    var carA = new Car("Subaru", "Outback", 2006);
    var carB = new Car("Chevrolet", "Corvette", 1976);
    (carA.maxSpeed == carB.maxSpeed) ? console.log(true) : console.log(false);

    Extending Prototypes

    • Object.create() will do the trick
    • Creates a new object with the specified prototype
    // Create a subclass of Car
    function BetterCar (make, model, year, newProp) {
        this.newProp = newProp, make, model, year); // Call Car constructor
    // Make sure BetterCar extends Car
    BetterCar.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);
    // Define some new stuff
    BetterCar.prototype = { 
    	fly: function() { 
    	 	console.log("I'M FLYING"); 


    It's Dangerous To Go Alone. Take These!


    • jQuery
    • Prototype
    • YUI
    • MooTools
    • DOJO
    • Angular.js
    • Backbone.js
    • Ember.js


    • Don't be afraid to look things up!
      • Google
      • StackOverflow
      • MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)


    Don't be a stranger.

    Thanks for Listening!

    Ben Centra
    Made with