Scoped Invitations for User Group

with Rails


ProjectList's Models look a little like this

    The Issue

    Conceptually, users with appropriate permissions should be able to invite other users, either existing or by email, to join an organization they are a part of. There are plenty of gems out there that take care of application-wide invitation systems, but ProjectList doesn't have any app-wide views or functions. Everything is based within the scope of an organization, so not only did these gems not work for my problem, but they weren't even a good starting point.

    Solving the Problem


    • A user can invite someone to join an organization by providing an email
    • If the user exists, they become a member of the organization
    • If the use does not exist, the app sends an email with a link to sign up, and automatically creates a membership for the new user
    • The invitation grants the invited user access to only the organization they were invited to


    • Some sort of Authentication system with a User model. I used Devise.
    • A second model for the User Group that is associated with the user model in a many-to-many way. I've used has_many :through with a third model. Perhaps polymorphic associations could also be used?

    Getting Started

    In addition to the following, you will need to set up a very basic mailer and add :invites to your routes

    Invitation Model

    There's a lot of information to be associated with the invitation, so we need a model for it.

    class Invite < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :organization
      belongs_to :sender, :class_name => 'User'
      belongs_to :recipient, :class_name => 'User'


    class CreateInvites < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
       create_table :invites do |t|
         t.string :email 
         t.integer :sender_id
         t.integer :recipient_id
         t.string :token

    Now we have a nice way of keeping track of invitations, and if we need to add features like invitation limits or expiration time, we can do so easily.

    Send Invitation Form

    <%= form_for @invite , :url => invites_path do |f| %>
        <%= f.hidden_field :organization_id, :value => @invite.organization_id %>
        <%= f.label :email %>
        <%= f.email_field :email %>
        <%= f.submit 'Send' %>
    <% end %>

    Making a new Invitation

    When a user submits the form to make a new invite, we not only need to send the email invite, but we need to generate a token as well. The token is used in the invite URL to (more) securely identify the invite when the new user clicks to register.

    before_create :generate_token
    def generate_token
       self.token = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([self.organization_id,, rand].join)

    Now, in our create action we need to fire off an invite email (controlled by our Mailer), but ONLY if the invite saved successfully.

    def create
       @invite = # Make a new Invite
       @invite.sender_id = # set the sender to the current user
          InviteMailer.new_user_invite(@invite, new_user_registration_path(:invite_token => @invite.token)).deliver #send the invite data to our mailer to deliver the email
          # oh no, creating an new invitation failed

    Here the InviteMailer takes 2 parameters, the invite and the invite URL which is constructed thusly:

    new_user_registration_path(:invite_token => @invite.token) 
    #outputs ->

    Registering an invited user

    Registering an invited user is a little different than a brand new user

    First, we need to modify our user registration controller to read the parameter from the url

    def new
       @token = params[:invite_token] #<-- pulls the value from the url query string

    Next we need to modify our view to put that parameter into a hidden field that gets submitted when the user submits the registration form. I used a conditional statement within my users#new view to output this field when an :invite_token parameter is present in the url.

    <% if @token != nil %>
        <%= hidden_field_tag :invite_token, @token %>
    <% end %>

    Next we need to modify the user create action to accept this unmapped :invite_token parameter.

    def create
      @newUser = build_user(user_params)
      @token = params[:invite_token]
      if @token != nil
         org =  Invite.find_by_token(@token).organization #find the organization attached to the invite
         @newUser.organizations.push(org) #add this user to the new organization as a member
        # do normal registration things #

    Now when the user registers, they'll automatically have access to the organization they were invited to, as expected.

    Handling existing users

    Add a check to the Invite model via a before_save filter:

    before_save :check_user_existence
    def check_user_existence
     recipient = User.find_by_email(email)
       if recipient
          self.recipient_id =

    This method will look for a user with the submitted email, and if found it will attach that user's ID to the invitation as the :recipient_id

    Modify the Invite controller to do something different if the user already exists:

    def create
      @invite =
      @invite.sender_id =
        #if the user already exists
        if @invite.recipient != nil 
           #send a notification email
           #Add the user to the organization
           InviteMailer.new_user_invite(@invite, new_user_registration_path(:invite_token => @invite.token)).deliver
         # oh no, creating an new invitation failed

    Now if the user exists, he/she wil automatically become a member of the organization.

    Other neat things

    • Add an :accepted boolean to the Invites table, and allow existing users the ability to accept or deny an invitation.
    • Add a check in the user registration to validate not only the token but that the email the user is registering with matches the one attached to the invite.


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