Support Tutorial Bank demo



Billy Meinke | Myles Enriquez | James Park | Frank Jumawan


A bank of how-to's and tutorials, focused on supporting faculty and staff who teach online.

  • DCDC Wordpress stuff
  • BBC / Webinar stuff
  • UH/COE technology

A Jekyll-based platform, with code shared via Github.

  • Content exists as simple text files
  • A static HTML site (as opposed to a database)
  • Code hosted on Github, with version control


Why another site? We've tried it in the past, but haven't gotten it right!

Why Github? Anyone can contribute content for articles, or code for the site!

Why Jekyll? It's a static website builder, which loads lightening quick and doesn't hog bandwidth with db queries.


HOW (1/3)

Content as text files and images.

HOW (2/3)

Content and code under version control (git).

HOW (3/3)

Anyone can contribute from wherever they are.

And run the site on their local computer.

(Yes, you too!)

 Go to: https://github.com/uhm-coe/flow
Documentation under construction: FLOW Gitbook


Alpha release January 2016

Follow the discussion! https://hawaiicoe.hipchat.com/chat/room/1942612
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