Vagrant: Provisioning Dev Environments Automatically

Héctor Fabio Jiménez Saldarriaga

@c1b3rh4ck              @h3ctorjs

  • Harry Potter and Unix/Gnu-Linux Fanboy

  • Paranoic by default

  • Interested in Open Source and Open Communities, coorganizer Pereirajs and PereiraTechTalks

  • DevOps/SysOps practicioner

  • Infra Engineer at Soluciones Globales SAS

  • Helping Startups to improve the CI/CD  Workflow

What is Vagrant?

What is Vagrant?

Vagrant is an open source tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow.

What is Vagrant?

This means, essentially, that it allows you to manage and share pre-configured virtual machines.and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past.

What is this all about?

Name: Vagrant
Developer: HashiCorp
Initial Release: 2010
Latest Version: 2.2.6
Written in: Ruby
Operating System: Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, and Microsoft
Interface: Command line

John Bender and Mitchell Hashimoto

🤗Vagrant is for EveryOne👩‍💻 👨‍💻

  • For Developers
  • For SysOps/DevOps/InfraEngineers
  • For Designers
 Focusing on your task

Use Case #1🔭

Use Case #1🔭

 Focusing on your task
  •  An already all-in-one virtual machine with all the software and dependencies installed is a great way to make developers focused on their tasks.
  • One just needs to create an optimal virtual box, once, and then it can be distributed to collaborators.

Use Case #2 📈

Improving the workflow

Use Case #2 📈

Improving the workflow
  • Having the exact same environment, both in development and production (and the intermediary ones[1]). If this is accomplished, the probability of the production app crashing due to an error that was not spot on the development environment is very little

* [1]Traditional Development/Integration/Staging/Production Practice for Software Development

Use Case #3 ⭐️

  • By packing everything you need on a virtual machine and distributing it, you have done work that others don’t need to (uselessly) replicate.

Use Case #3 ⭐️


VagrantFile 📃📑

VagrantBox 📦

VagrantBox 📦

VagrantBox 📦

Metadata from a box

VagrantBox 📦


Use know ssh keys for everyone Insecure by Default

VagrantBox Repo 📦

* [4] How to create vagrant boxes

VagrantBox Cycle📦

$ vagrant init <box> [url]
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant destroy [--force]
$ vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant status

List of Commands

Providers 📦

Providers 📦






Tips: MultiMachine

Tips: Loops


Thank you So Much!

and go ahead and build great products using vagrant


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