
what are we talking about?

Managing Puppet modules.

the problem:

For various reasons, we use Puppet in "push" mode.
We separate the reusable declarations in modules.

How do we manage these modules?
(versioning, distribution, packaging, deps...)

what we tried:

Hg subrepos.

Parent repo with manifests for customer/environment.
Subrepos for env-independent modules.

Distribute copying on servers.
Versioning with Hg revisions.
Build a single tarball with everything inside.
Parent depends from present subrepos, at current revision.

what we hated:

It's custom stuff, non-standard and needs explaination.
Cloning a parent repo is a pain.
Merging hell.
Hand-handled dependencies.
Easy to mismatch subrepo version when editing a single module.
Mantain ad-hoc custom scripts.

what does puppet gives us?

Puppet module tool
(2.7 +)

puppet module tool:

Modules built to tarballs with standard metadata.
Semantic versioning.
Distributed via specific repo.
Automatic dependency resolution.

and the repository?

Puppet Forge.

Yes, it's public, controlled by Puppetlabs and is not distributed for private instances.

what we tried:


Replicates the Puppet Forge API.
Python + Django

what we hated:

Python (requires 2.7 -> 2.6 on RHEL...).
Deploying modules was terribad.
Customizing the authentication looked hard (LDAP).


In the same week, we wanted to try some Erlang.

Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability.
Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging.
Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.
(from the official page)

what we did:

Looked at django-forge and discovered it only had 3 endpoints.

Decided to implement the toy in Erlang and add to it some awesomeness.

Target:  a simple, usable and CI/CD ready puppet repo.


What's new?

Deploy endpoint on the API.
Easy mirroring of other forges (upstream/downstream).
Distributable in a self-contained tarball.

upstream mirroring

downstream notification

and on the client side?

How should I use modules?


Like java libraries (Modulefile instead of pom.xml)


name 'fmeden/sample'
version '1.1.0'
source '?'
author 'fmeden'
license 'BSD3'
summary 'A sample module'
description 'A sample module'
project_page ''

dependency 'another/module', '>= 1.2.0'

puppet module install

fmeden@Eve:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module install muppetforge/integration
Notice: Preparing to install into /home/fmeden/.puppet/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from http://localhost:8080/mf ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
└── muppetforge-integration (v0.0.1)

puppet module build

fmeden@Eve:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module build
Notice: Building /home/fmeden/projects/fmeden-sample for release
Module built: /home/fmeden/projects/fmeden-sample/pkg/fmeden-sample-1.1.0.tar.gz

puppet module deploy

fmeden@Eve:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module deploy pkg/fmeden-sample-1.1.0.tar.gz
Notice: Preparing to deploy pkg/fmeden-sample-1.1.0.tar.gz into http://localhost:8080/mf ...
Module succesfully deployed.

and when applying?

Have to puppet module install by hand on every node?


require_module("fmeden", "sample", ">= 1.0.0")

import dev.pp
import [...]

Just use it on top of site.pp

enable ci

what we learned (erlang):

Small, coherent language.
Stdlib/OTP contains stuff that really matters.
Abstraction to swap between sync/async easily.
Contracts via pattern matching.
Let It Fail.

what we learned (puppet):

The tool has much more to offer, we need to dig deeper!
Extendible: Facts, Functions, Faces (and more...).
Public documentation sucks, but the rdoc on the sources is good.
Codebase has coherent abstractions.
A Ruby debugger is still a life-saver (caches, DSLs).

puppet help

Available subcommands:
  agent             The puppet agent daemon
  apply             Apply Puppet manifests locally
  ca                Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
  catalog           Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
  cert              Manage certificates and requests
  certificate       Provide access to the CA for certificate management.
  certificate_request  Manage certificate requests.
  certificate_revocation_list  Manage the list of revoked certificates.
  config            Interact with Puppet's configuration options.
  describe          Display help about resource types
  device            Manage remote network devices
  doc               Generate Puppet documentation and references
  facts             Retrieve and store facts.
  file              Retrieve and store files in a filebucket
  filebucket        Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
  help              Display Puppet help.
  inspect           Send an inspection report
  instrumentation_data  Manage instrumentation listener accumulated data.
  instrumentation_listener  Manage instrumentation listeners.
  instrumentation_probe  Manage instrumentation probes.
  key               Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
  kick              Remotely control puppet agent
  man               Display Puppet manual pages.
  master            The puppet master daemon
  module            Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.
  node              View and manage node definitions.
  parser            Interact directly with the parser.
  plugin            Interact with the Puppet plugin system.
  queue             Queuing daemon for asynchronous storeconfigs
  report            Create, display, and submit reports.
  resource          The resource abstraction layer shell
  resource_type     View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.
  secret_agent      Mimics puppet agent.
  status            View puppet server status.


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