Python Tools For Visual Studio


What is Python?

  • Interpreted
  • Dynamically typed
  • Readable
  • Multi-paradigm
  • Compact
import logging
from module2 import cool_things

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, arg1, debug=False): = arg1
        if debug:

    def my_cool_fun(self, things):
        for thing in things:
            if self.is_cool(thing) == True:
                return "cool"
        return "no cool"

    def is_cool(thing):
        if thing in cool_things:
            return True
        return False

    def some_more(self, things):
        foo_prepend = [ + thing for thing in things]
        return foo_prepend

if __name__ == "__main__":
    m = MyClass("so cool ")
    print(m.my_cool_fun(["hello", "yo", "whatup"]))
    print(m.my_cool_fun(["discombobulate", "lexus", "gardens"]))
    print(m.some_more(["discombobulate", "lexus", "gardens"]))

What is Python Tools for Visual Studio?


Let's do some things with this

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