Live Prototyping with Chrome Dev Tools,  CSS and jQuery

Make it Pretty


Developer Tools


Live Prototyping Tools

to change design

to view changes live

to change the DOM

Basic HTML

    <div id="unique" class="myDiv" data-type="awesome"> 
        ... lots of stuff going on here 
    </div> <!-- end #unique --> 
  • Wrap everything inside a tag
  • Line break means nothing 
  • HTML is for structure and context, leave design to CSS
  • Don't create custom tags (new in HTML5)
  • Close tags properly

Learn more about semantic HTML:

Or use this:


How CSS Works

Selector Examples



   <div class="something"> </div>

   <div id="something"> </div>


   <div class="something" data-id="2"> </div>


   <something> </something>


<div class="something" class="col-xs-8"> </div>


    <div class="something">
        <div> Item One </div> 
        <div> Item Two </div> 

.something a

    <div class="something">
        <a href="#"> One </a>
        <a href="#"> Two </a>
            <a href="#"> Three </a>    

Child Selectors

.something > a


    <div id="something" class="else">
        <a href="#"> One </a>
        <a href="#"> Two </a>
        <div class="else">
            <a href="#"> Three </a>    

Multiple Selectors

#something  .else


or "Why is Ma CSS Not Working?"  

    <div id="something" class="else">
        <a href="#"> One </a>
        <a href="#"> Two </a>
        <div class="else">
            <a href="#"> Three </a>    

    div#something a { border: 1px solid #ccc; }
    a { border: 1px dotted #ccc; }
    div a { border: 1px dashed #ccc; }


CSS is too cool for scope, you peasants need to worry about it!

Be specific about your classes

    .box { border-color: blue; }

    /* vs. */ 

    #home .box-blue { border-color : blue;  }

Scope it yourself

    .myapp-box-blue { border-color : blue;  }

Remember specificity

Browser Compatibility

Use Browser/vendor Prefix solutions (i.e.

Polyfills (scroll to CSS) :

Check what is compatible and use something else.

Box Sizing

Width is not what it seems, unless you use box-sizing

    /* apply a natural box layout model to all elements, but allowing components to change */    
    html {
      box-sizing: border-box;

    *, *:before, *:after {
      box-sizing: inherit;

Writing Efficient CSS

Define as few distinct instances as possible

Use helper classes

    <div class="b-r-xs m-t-xl padder"></div> 

Combine css definitions

    .top-row, top-list, top-item {
        /* first item styling /* 

generalize when possible

    /* Not this */
    .myUniqueClassOnThatOnePage {
        margin-top : 5px; 

Validate it!

Where to learn more

Basic jQuery

just use it

"It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. "

How it works:

Find one or more elements

Do stuff with them

        /* Find all div elements that have class "something" */


        // Change the text of the element

        $('div.something').text("Hi y'allz")

Uses CSS Selectors

    // Basic selectors 
    $('#ht-focus-wrap').css('width',  '1200px');
    // You can use variables to build your selectors.     
    var module_index = 3; 
    var offset = $('.ht-tab[data-index="'+module_index+'"] > .ht-tab-content')

    // You don't have to use just selectors for finding elements

Examples for Findings Things


Find descendants everything below


Find children, immediately below


Find parents, everything above

Find parent, immediately above


Find closest, wherever is closest


Find next sibling


CSS Examples


Add a class name 


Remove a class name


Check if it has a class (returns boolean) 

Change layout


Change any kind of css

    // For one 
    $('.else').css('background-color', '#ccc');

    // For multiple, pass object    
            "background-color" : "#ccc",
            "display" : block

Manipulate HTML

    $('.something').html('<div class="newdiv"> New </div>');

Change innerHTML

    $('.newDiv').wrap('<div class="div-wrap"></div>');

Wrap html around something

    $('.something').append('<div> Last thing </div>');

Add HTML to the end of parent

Remove element (not just hide) 


Replace contents of element

    $( "<h2>New heading</h2>" ).replaceAll( ".inner" );

Clone element and do things with the clone

    $( ".hello" ).clone().appendTo( ".goodbye" );

Other Examples

    var color = $('.something').attr('data-color');

Work with attributes

    var name = $('input[type="text"]').val();

Get form input values


Show and hide elements

Getting vs Setting

    var color = $('.something').css('background-color');

    var width = $('#else').width();

    var title = $('h1.title').text(); 

Getting the existing value

Setting new value

    $('.something').css('background-color', '#eee');


    $('h1.title').text('This is my Title'); 

Debugging Tip

Are you selecting the right things? 

    // Log it
    var selector = $('h1.title')
    console.log("Title selector', selector); 

    // Get the size 
    var matches = $('h1.title').length; 

jQuery does not throw error when it can't find the elements you are looking for. 

Check in your browser to avoid console logging everything, dev tools will give errors.

Is the thing you are selecting there when it's called

Sense of Style 

or "... I'll know it when I see it"


Use grids for layout

    .myDiv { 
        padding: 5px 10px;

Use padding

Use hierarchy and grouping


  • Start with one or two good fonts
  • Contrast  and match fonts, not too boring, not too crazy
  • Use larger fonts
  • Use line-height in CSS
  • Use font-weight in CSS
  • Be conservative about colors
  • Keep an eye on contrast

Rule of Thumb

use nothing

use everything

Good Design

Editor: Brackets*

Free, open source and has live edit. 

*great for learning and stand alone builds but too limited for production


HTML and CSS Style Guide


Hands on with Chrome Dev Tools

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