Wordpress as an api

An adventure in headless CMS' and modern web development



  • Web developer, remembers IE6 well
  • Recently decided to get into DevRel
  • Runs BeerJS Skopje - https://beerjs.mk
  • Runs a podcast - https://codepub.dev
  • Writes at https://darko.io

What's this about

  • The old web and the new
  • Web pages vs. web apps
  • SSG, SPA vs MPA, SSR and Astro.js
  • Performance and JavaScript
  • ...and of course, WordPress

The history lesson

"Modern" web apps and SPAs became a thing circa IPhone 4, when we decided Flash was a bad idea.

This guys' to blame :D

before that

  • Web apps were backend heavy
  • CMS' were more present in the web dev mindshare
  • Everything was server-side rendered (SSR)

what we learned from mobile

  • Interactivity, animations, transitions
  • Flash wasn't going to cut it
  • ...and in our infinite wisdom, we went full opposite.

Single page applications

  • They gave us interactivity
  • They seem faster
  • They allowed for stuff that was impossible before
  • ...all for the low price of XX megabytes of JS bundle size.
  • API / SAAS driven
  • CSR
  • Fully interactive
  • Huge bundle sizes

web apps

  • CMS driven
  • SSR
  • Partially interactive*
  • Lighter on JS*

web sites

The two webs

  • WordPress is used by 42.8% of the web* (October 2021)

  • Still, when it comes to web applications*, it's rarely a serious contender.

  • But businesses change, requirements change, and sometimes, we're "stuck" with it.

And that "stuck" part was exactly the inspiration for this talk.

Problem statement

  • Re-use existing WP data and user base

  • Re-use plugin logic as much as reasonable

  • WooCommerce has to work

  • It has to provide an app-like experience

  • ...and I don't know WordPress 😬

  • Happily enough, WP has an API

  • WooCommerce has one too

  • They do GraphQL too (via plugins)*

Strategy and approach

  • Use the core WP API for content and users

  • Use the WooCommerce API for all things shopping

  • ?

  • profit

  • Enter Astro.js

  • A static-site generator that also does SSR

  • Aims for zero JS

  • Component based

  • "Islands" architecture

  • Works really well with headless CMS

Astro components

  • Basically, just HTML with some tricks
  • Server-side rendered
  • Can contain server-side logic (node)
  • ...I just described PHP (but in node), pretty much πŸ˜…

Astro components

// Title.astro
	<h1>I'm an Astro component</h1>

Astro components

import Title from './Title.astro';
  <Title />

Astro components

import Title from './Title.astro';
  <Title />

Astro components

// Title.astro

const title = "I'm an Astro component";

Astro components

import Title from './Title.astro';
  <Title />

Astro components

// Title.astro

const props = Astro.props;

Astro components

import Title from './Title.astro';
  <Title title="I'm an Astro component" />



// Example: Use a static React component on the page, without JavaScript.
import MyReactComponent from '../components/MyReactComponent.jsx';
<!-- 100% HTML, Zero JavaScript loaded on the page! -->
<MyReactComponent />
<!-- This component is now interactive on the page! 
     The rest of your website remains static and zero JS. -->
<MyReactComponent client:load />

More about directives at: https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/directives-reference/#client-directives

congrats πŸŽ‰

You now know about 70% of what Astro is about.

Strategy and approach (updated)

  • Use the core WP API for content and users

  • Use the WooCommerce API for all things shopping

  • Use Astro for everything front-end

    • Remember - an island can be an app unto itself

  • profit


IT's demo o'clock ⌚


  • WP via docker

  • Fakerpress for some data

  • WPGraphql for a GraphQL API

  • A WooCommerce client library

  • Astro, with an existing theme



Lessons learned, benefits and drawbacks

  • API / SAAS driven
  • CSR
  • Fully interactive
  • Huge bundle sizes

web apps

  • CMS driven
  • SSR
  • Partially interactive*
  • Lighter on JS*

web sites

The two webs

need a website with a cms?

  • Use WP!
  • It has a vast ecosystem
  • It's simple to host and admin

need a webapp?

  • Not relevant to this presentation, but:
    • React, Angular, Solid, Vue, Svelte... pick your poison.
  • Have a look at the BFF stacks too:
    • Remix, Solid Start, Next, SvelteKit, Astro πŸ˜‰

Stuck with WP and need something reallyΒ custom?

  • Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - WP can be an adequate data source and API given the right circumstances.Β 
  • Pick a front-end (or center-stack) solution and use WordPress as an API!

Thank you! 🍻


✏️ https://darko.io

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