
Frederik Rietdijk / Domen Kožar

Nix is a package manager with a focus on reproducible builds from the perspective of fixing metadata/inputs and sandboxing each build.


Nix is also a declarative language in which builds are written in.


Nixpkgs is 90 000+ of packages shipped by default when using Nix.


NixOS is a declarative Linux distrubtion built on top of Nixpkgs.

Nix has been around for more than 20 years.


Python support has been around since the very early days.

Started as an experiment to make package management stateless by
applying functional programming paradigm ideas.


Nix has been designed for reproducible builds, i.e. repeatable process
of going from source code to working software.

Python packaging with Nixpkgs

  • CPython, PyPy interpreters
  • Tools for building packages and creating environments
  • 5000+ Python packages per interpreter
  • 90000+ packages in total
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