Damned Nodes!

Test driven Umbraco by a backend developer


My name is:

I work at: 

I'm not an umbraco developer

I'm a software engineer

I like 


and layers

 and tests


Separation Of Concerns

Umbraco the problem  Challenge

  • Decoupling
  • MVC
  • Controller like structure

public class DynamicNode : DynamicObject, Inode

//this is basically a façade / service container like thingy of almost 2k lines

Umbraco the problem  Challenge

public interface INode
        List<INode> ChildrenAsList { get; }
        DateTime CreateDate { get; }
        int CreatorID { get; }
        string CreatorName { get; }
        int Id { get; }
        int Level { get; }
        string Name { get; }
        string NiceUrl { get; }
        string NodeTypeAlias { get; }
        INode Parent { get; }
        string Path { get; }
        List<IProperty> PropertiesAsList { get; }
        int SortOrder { get; }
        int template { get; }
        DateTime UpdateDate { get; }
        string Url { get; }
        string UrlName { get; }
        Guid Version { get; }
        int WriterID { get; }
        string WriterName { get; }
        DataTable ChildrenAsTable();
        DataTable ChildrenAsTable(string nodeTypeAliasFilter);
        IProperty GetProperty(string Alias);
        IProperty GetProperty(string Alias, out bool propertyExists);

dynamics and runtime and .net

macro's as partial views and controllers

PageController pageController = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<pagecontroller>();
  Contentpage viewModel = pageController.Contentpage(uQuery.GetCurrentNode());
  if (viewModel.HasRedirect)
    //..view code (called from masterpage -> masterpage per contenttype)

testing your application

public class StubNode : DynamicObject, INode

public interface IUmbracoContentRepository
    INode NodeById(int nodeId);

public interface IUmbracoNodeToModelMapper<out TModel>

public abstract class UmbracoContentServiceBase<TModel> : IContentService<TModel>
        protected UmbracoContentServiceBase(IUmbracoContentRepository umbracoContentRepository, IUmbracoNodeToModelMapper<TModel> mapper)
        public abstract TModel GetModel();
        public abstract TModel GetModelForNodeId(int nodeId);

Testing your application

public class StubNode : DynamicObject, INode

macro's as partial views and controllers

PageController pageController = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<pagecontroller>();
  Contentpage viewModel = pageController.Contentpage(uQuery.GetCurrentNode());
  if (viewModel.HasRedirect)
    //..view code (called from masterpage -> masterpage per contenttype)


  • Set of interfaces
  • base and helper classes

To make Umbraco reasonably testable

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