AI Nexus


3-Day Immersive Workshop To Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Business


November 27-29, 2015 // Santiago de Chile


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Make Artificial Intelligence Your Best Ally!


What Is AI? 

Artificial Intelligence -
“The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.”

Put Simply -


When computers do the work for you -

betterfaster and cheaper!


No industry is "immune" to disruptions caused by AI


Estimated to unlock $ 50 trillion in new wealth by 2025


You can offload all routine tasks and focus on creative, revenue-generating work


Why is AI important?


What You Get In 3 Days


Receive 1 on 1 mentoring from world's top pioneers in AI


Innovate with Startup + Intrapreneurship methodologies


Develop a plan of action ready to be implemented upon return


Learn how AI is currently impacting global commerce


Gain an advantage over your competitors
(Do they even know AI exists?)


Return to work with more useful AI knowledge and connections than 99.99 % of the people in your industry


Interested & excited about new technology


Innovators looking to optimize processes


Which Employees to Send?


Proactive and enjoy a challenge


Creative minds looking to disrupt their industries


They are - 

Nell Watson


Michele Reilly


Michael Vassar

  • Founder and CEO of Turing Inc.,
    a machine learning company in Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Worked as algorithmic trader for Victor Niederhoffer

  • Used machine learning to trade financial options

  • Engineer, entrepreneur, futurist thinker

  • Lectures globally on Machine Intelligence, Human-Machine relations and the Future of Human Society

  • AI & Robotics Faculty member of Singularity University

  • Founder & CEO of Poikos, a computer vision company

  • American futurist, acti-vist, and entrepreneur

  • Co-founder and Chief Science Officer at MetaMed Research

  • Helped build expert consensus on AI as President of Singularity Institute (now MIRI)

  • Helped Apple and Intel integrate AI into their manufacturing processes










Skinner Layne



  • Founder of Exosphere

  • Experienced entrepreneur and business strategist in Web Enterprises

  • Consulted for NASDAQ traded companies on technology strategy

  • At 23 the youngest person ever to sit on the board of a Sarbanes-Oxley compliant company


Davide Venturelli


Maurits Kaptein


Richard Socher

  • Science Operations Manager at USRA,
    Quantum AI Research Lab at NASA Ames

  • PhD in Nanophysics and PhD from SISSA

  • Chief Science Officer at Science Rockstars

  • Founder of Persuasion API

  • PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology

  • Founder and CEO at MetaMind

  • PhD in Computer Science from Stanford


Virtual Mentors








Steve Omohundro



  • Artificial Intelligence Scientist

  • PhD in Mathematical Physics

  • Author and Entrepreneur




2 PM


Presentation + Q&A


Tech Talk / Workshop

Workshop + 1-on-1 Mentoring

Receive expert guidance in formulating a strategy to automate your most resource intensive processes


9 AM


Daily Schedule


Learn the ins and outs of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of applications and contexts



Learn how to implement the cost-effective solutions that will improve your bottom line immediately and into the future


Participate in a process to explore the full range of implications AI tech can bring to your companies, your market, and your local economy


(Visit for hourly breakdown)

Make Connections

Gain Insight

Deepen Understanding

Evaluate Options

Formulate Strategy

Incorporate Solutions


Daily Wrap-up

Build relationships with industry experts and innovative companies that go beyond exchanging business cards



The AI on the horizon looks more like Amazon Web Services— cheap, reliable, industrial-grade digital smartness running behind everything, and almost invisible except when it blinks off. This common utility will serve you as much IQ as you want but no more than you need. [...] The business plans of the next 10,000 startups are easy to forecast: Take X and add AI.




What The Future Looks Like


-Kevin Kelly, WIRED
"The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally Unleashed AI on the World"




Full 3-day program


Ticket includes:


1-on-1 strategy sessions with the field experts


Downloadable study material and presentations


Access to Exosphere's extensive global business network


Full Ticket:


$ 970


(Team Discounts available)


Early access to partner technologies


Database of AI products, services, and companies with contact details






Learn more on the 

AI Nexus Website:




Or contact

Moritz Bierling, Nexus Director


AI Nexus


Make Artificial Intelligence Your Best Ally!

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