MySQL JSON Functions

한국 MySQL 사용자그룹




  • Why JSON in MySQL?

  • What is JSON?

  • MySQL JSON Functions Overview

  • Where to Test?

  • Real Example

  • 나머지

Why JSON in MySQL?

패러다임의 변화

Data Sources

Protovis.js → D3.js

Data Visualization

Python or R

1. collecting

Data Analysis

3. combining & comparing

2. storaging

4. visualizing

What is JSON?

JSON is ...

  • JavaScript Object Notation
  • the creation of Douglas Crockford
  • 2009.12, 공식적으로 ECMA 표준 ECMA-404로 인정됨
  • ECMAScript-262, 5th ed의 표준화에 반영이 됨
  • the data interchange standard
  • Data Property의 기본형식 : "name":"value"



  • Data property들은 comma(,)로 구분{"name":"MySQL","likes":"JSON"}
  • Data object들의 배열[{"name":"Lawrence","likes":"JSON"},{"name":"John","likes":"JQUERY"}]
  • string

  • boolean

  • number

  • null

  • array

  • object

JSON Data Type


  • JSON Is a Data Interchange Format
  • JSON Is Programming Language Independent
  • JSON Is Based on JavaScript Object Literals
  • JSON can use Arrays
  • JSON is shorter
  • JSON works with more complex data
  • JSON is better standardized than CSV
  • No end tags are required for JSON



  • Can store data as values within values
  • Can be used across multiple programming languages
  • Can be fetched and parsed to be used within the code

    title : "This is my title.",
    body : "This is the body."

    'title': 'This is my title.',
    'body': 'This is the body.'

    "title": "This is my title.",
    "body": "This is the body."


어떤 것이 진짜 JSON 형태일까요?




JSON Validator

MySQL JSON functions overview

Support JSON in other RDBMS

  1. Oracle 12c

  2. mariaDB 5.3

  3. MSSQL 2016

  4. DB2 10.5

  • JSON Parser for JSON input
  • Support for all JSON datatypes

        – NULL
        – Numeric
        – Boolean

  • Support for JSON arrays
  • Better indexing without resorting to virtual columns
  • More JSON manipulation functions
  • A proper JSON datatype

        –Enforced UTF8
        –JSON even in the SCHEMA
        –Default JSON output format
          To SELECT a JSON column without having to resort to COLUMN_JSON to get JSON out

아직 부족한 것들

MySQL Functions List

  • json_array()
  • json_object()
  • json_insert()
  • json_remove()
  • json_set()
  • json_replace()
  • json_append()
  • json_merge()
  • json_extract()
  • json_search()
  • json_contains()
  • json_contains_path()
  • json_valid()
  • json_type()
  • json_keys()
  • json_length()
  • json_depth()
  • json_unquote()
  • json_quote()

Where to Test?

docker@mysqlserver:~$ docker pull mysql:5.7.8
docker@mysqlserver:~$ docker run --name mysqljsonfunctions \
                      -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin -d mysql:5.7.8
docker@mysqlserver:~$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
fc6790aa5089        mysql:5.7.8         "/ mysql"   4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds        3306/tcp            mysqljsonfunctions
docker@mysqlserver:~$ docker run -it --link mysqljsonfunctions:mysql --rm mysql:5.7.8 \
                      sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"3306" -uroot -p'
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.7.8-rc MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Real Example

  • json_array()
  • json_object()
  • json_insert()
  • json_remove()
  • json_set()
  • json_replace()
  • json_append()
  • json_merge()
  • json_extract()
mysql> create table thermostat_model 
    -> (model_id varchar(50) primary key, capabilities json);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.21 sec)

mysql> create table thermostat_reading( reading json );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)

Creating JSON Data (JSON 데이터 생성)

mysql> select json_array( 'programmable','fan', 'ac', 'furnace' ) json_array;
| json_array                               |
| ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace"] |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

Creating JSON Data (JSON 데이터 생성)

mysql> insert into thermostat_model values
    -> ( 'xyzzy', '[ "programmable","fan", "ac", "furnace" ]' ),
    -> ( 'abc123', '[ "fan", "furnace" ]' );
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_model;
| model_id | capabilities                             |
| abc123   | ["fan", "furnace"]                       |
| xyzzy    | ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace"] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Creating JSON Data (JSON 데이터 생성)

mysql> select json_object
    ->   (
    ->     'device_id', 3001,
    ->     'unixtime', 1428440461,
    ->     'setting', 64.0,
    ->     'current_temp', 62.05
    ->   ) json_object;
| json_object                                                                         |
| {"setting": 64.0, "unixtime": 1428440461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Creating JSON Data (JSON 데이터 생성)

mysql> insert into thermostat_reading values
    -> ( '{ "device_id": 3001, "unixtime": 1428462061, "setting": 69.0, "current_temp": 62.05 }' ),
    -> ( '{ "device_id": 3001, "unixtime": 1428483661, "setting": 64.0, "current_temp": 70.25 }' ),
    -> ( '{ "device_id": 3002, "unixtime": 1428462061, "setting": 68.0, "current_temp": 61.05 }' ),
    -> ( '{ "device_id": 3002, "unixtime": 1428483661, "setting": 62.0, "current_temp": 71.25 }' );
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                           |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25} |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05} |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25} |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Creating JSON Data (JSON 데이터 생성)

mysql> insert into thermostat_reading values
    -> ( '{"on": true, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}' ),
    -> ( '{"on": false, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25}' ),
    -> ( '{"on": true, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}' ),
    -> ( '{"on": false, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25}' );
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                        |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}              |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}              |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}              |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}              |
| {"on": true, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}  |
| {"on": false, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |
| {"on": true, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}  |
| {"on": false, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Adding Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 추가)

mysql> update thermostat_reading set reading = json_insert( reading, '$.on', cast( 'null' as json ) );
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Rows matched: 8  Changed: 4  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                        |
| {"on": null, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}  |
| {"on": null, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}  |
| {"on": null, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}  |
| {"on": null, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}  |
| {"on": true, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}  |
| {"on": false, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |
| {"on": true, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}  |
| {"on": false, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Adding Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 추가)

mysql> update thermostat_reading set reading = json_remove( reading, '$.on' );
Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Rows matched: 8  Changed: 8  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                           |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25} |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05} |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25} |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05} |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Removing Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 삭제)

mysql> insert into thermostat_reading values
    -> ( '{"spread": 3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05}' ),
    -> ( '{"spread": -12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25}' ),
    -> ( '{"spread": 1.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 66.05}' ),
    -> ( '{"spread": -15.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 77.25}' );
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                             |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}                   |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}                   |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}                   |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}                   |
| {"setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}                   |
| {"setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25}                   |
| {"setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}                   |
| {"setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25}                   |
| {"spread": 3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05}   |
| {"spread": -12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25} |
| {"spread": 1.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 66.05}   |
| {"spread": -15.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 77.25} |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Updating Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 수정)

mysql> update thermostat_reading set reading = json_set
    ->   (
    ->     reading,
    ->     '$.spread',
    ->     cast( json_extract( reading, '$.current_temp' ) as decimal(5,2) ) - cast( json_extract( reading, '$.setting' ) as decimal(5,2) ) 
    ->   );
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Rows matched: 12  Changed: 12  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                            |
| {"spread": -6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
| {"spread": 6.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}  |
| {"spread": -6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05} |
| {"spread": 9.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}  |
| {"spread": -6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05} |
| {"spread": 11.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |
| {"spread": -6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05} |
| {"spread": 14.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |
| {"spread": -3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05} |
| {"spread": 12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25} |
| {"spread": -1.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 66.05} |
| {"spread": 15.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 77.25} |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Updating Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 수정)

mysql> update thermostat_reading set reading = json_replace
    ->   (
    ->     reading,
    ->     '$.spread',
    ->     cast( json_extract( reading, '$.setting' ) as decimal(5,2) ) - cast( json_extract( reading, '$.current_temp' ) as decimal(5,2) )
    ->   );
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Rows matched: 12  Changed: 12  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                             |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |
| {"spread": -6.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}  |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}   |
| {"spread": -9.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}  |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |
| {"spread": -11.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}   |
| {"spread": -14.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |
| {"spread": 3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05}   |
| {"spread": -12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25} |
| {"spread": 1.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 66.05}   |
| {"spread": -15.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 77.25} |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Updating Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 수정)

mysql> update thermostat_model
    ->   set capabilities = json_append( capabilities, '$', 'smart_fan' )
    -> where model_id = 'xyzzy';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_model;
| model_id | capabilities                                          |
| abc123   | ["fan", "furnace"]                                    |
| xyzzy    | ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace", "smart_fan"] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Appending Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 추가)

mysql> update thermostat_model
    ->   set capabilities = json_merge( capabilities, json_array( 'https', 'password_protected', 'intrusion_detection' ) )
    -> where model_id = 'xyzzy';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_model;
| model_id | capabilities                                                                                                |
| abc123   | ["fan", "furnace"]                                                                                          |
| xyzzy    | ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace", "smart_fan", "https", "password_protected", "intrusion_detection"] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Appending Data (스키마 진화: 데이터 추가)

mysql> alter table thermostat_reading
    ->   add column device_id int generated always as ( jsn_extract( reading, '$.device_id' ) ) virtual;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> create index tr_di on thermostat_reading( device_id );
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.57 sec)
Records: 12  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_reading where device_id = 3001;
| reading                                                                                             | device_id |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -6.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}  |      3001 |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -11.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |      3001 |
| {"spread": 3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25} |      3001 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> explain format=JSON select * from thermostat_reading where device_id = 3001\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "cost_info": {
      "query_cost": "1.44"
    "table": {
      "table_name": "thermostat_reading",
      "access_type": "ref",
      "possible_keys": [
      "key": "tr_di",
      "used_key_parts": [
      "key_length": "5",
      "ref": [
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 1,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 1,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "1.20",
        "eval_cost": "0.24",
        "prefix_cost": "1.44",
        "data_read_per_join": "28"
      "used_columns": [
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Schema Evolution: Indexing JSON Data

(스키마 진화: JSON 데이터 인덱싱)

  • json_search()
  • json_contains()
  • json_contains_path()
  • json_valid()
  • json_type()
  • json_keys()
  • json_length()
  • json_depth()
  • json_unquote()
  • json_quote()
mysql> select * from thermostat_reading;
| reading                                                                                             | device_id |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -6.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 70.25}  |      3001 |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428462061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}   |      3002 |
| {"spread": -9.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428483661, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 71.25}  |      3002 |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 62.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -11.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 75.25} |      3001 |
| {"spread": 6.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428548461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 61.05}   |      3002 |
| {"spread": -14.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428570061, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 76.25} |      3002 |
| {"spread": 3.95, "setting": 69, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 65.05}   |      3001 |
| {"spread": -12.25, "setting": 64, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3001, "current_temp": 76.25} |      3001 |
| {"spread": 1.95, "setting": 68, "unixtime": 1428634861, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 66.05}   |      3002 |
| {"spread": -15.25, "setting": 62, "unixtime": 1428656461, "device_id": 3002, "current_temp": 77.25} |      3002 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

thermostat_reading 테이블

mysql> select json_length(reading) from thermostat_reading;
| json_length(reading) |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
|                    5 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_length 사용예제

mysql> select json_depth(reading) from thermostat_reading;
| json_depth(reading) |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
|                   2 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_depth 사용예제

mysql> select json_keys(reading) from thermostat_reading;
| json_keys(reading)                                              |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
| ["spread", "setting", "unixtime", "device_id", "current_temp"]  |
12 rows in set (0.01 sec)

json_keys 사용예제

mysql> select json_contains_path(reading, 'all', '$.spread') from thermostat_reading;
| json_contains_path(reading, 'all', '$.spread') |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
|                                              1 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_contains_path 사용예제

mysql> select json_contains_path(reading, 'all', '$.spread', '$.on') from thermostat_reading;
| json_contains_path(reading, 'all', '$.spread', '$.on') |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
|                                                      0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_contains_path 사용예제 2

mysql> select json_contains_path(reading, 'one', '$.spread', '$.on') from thermostat_reading;
| json_contains_path(reading, 'one', '$.spread', '$.on') |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
|                                                      1 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_contains_path 사용예제 3

mysql> select json_contains(reading, json_object('spread', 6.95)) from thermostat_reading;
| json_contains(reading, json_object('spread', 6.95)) |
|                                                   1 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   1 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   1 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   1 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   0 |
|                                                   0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_contains 사용예제

mysql> select json_extract(reading, '$.spread') = 6.95 from thermostat_reading;
| json_extract(reading, '$.spread') = 6.95 |
|                                        1 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        1 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        1 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        1 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        0 |
|                                        0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_extract 사용예제

mysql> select * from thermostat_model;
| model_id | capabilities                                                                                                |
| abc123   | ["fan", "furnace"]                                                                                          |
| xyzzy    | ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace", "smart_fan", "https", "password_protected", "intrusion_detection"] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select json_contains(capabilities, json_array('ac', 'fan')) from thermostat_model;
| json_contains(capabilities, json_array('ac', 'fan')) |
|                                                    0 |
|                                                    1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_contains 사용예제 2

mysql> insert into thermostat_model values
    -> ( "Acme basic", '[{"rpm": 2000, "voltage": 110, "capability": "fan"}, "furnace"]' ),                   
    -> ( "Acme super", '["programmable", {"rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220, "capability": "fan"}, "ac", "furnace"]' );
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from thermostat_model;
| model_id   | capabilities                                                                                                |
| abc123     | ["fan", "furnace"]                                                                                          |
| Acme basic | [{"rpm": 2000, "voltage": 110, "capability": "fan"}, "furnace"]                                             |
| Acme super | ["programmable", {"rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220, "capability": "fan"}, "ac", "furnace"]                       |
| xyzzy      | ["programmable", "fan", "ac", "furnace", "smart_fan", "https", "password_protected", "intrusion_detection"] |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Complex Feature 사용예제

mysql> select json_contains(capabilities, json_array('furnace', json_object('voltage', 110))) from thermostat_model;
| json_contains(capabilities, json_array('furnace', json_object('voltage', 110))) |
|                                                                               0 |
|                                                                               1 |
|                                                                               0 |
|                                                                               0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Complex Feature 사용예제 계속

mysql> select json_search(capabilities, 'one', 'furnace') from thermostat_model;
| json_search(capabilities, 'one', 'furnace') |
| "$[1]"                                      |
| "$[1]"                                      |
| "$[3]"                                      |
| "$[3]"                                      |
+---------------------------- ----------------+
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_search 사용예제

mysql> select json_type(capabilities), json_type(json_extract(capabilities, '$[0]')) from thermostat_model;
| json_type(capabilities) | json_type(json_extract(capabilities, '$[0]')) |
| ARRAY                   | STRING                                        |
| ARRAY                   | OBJECT                                        |
| ARRAY                   | STRING                                        |
| ARRAY                   | STRING                                        |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

json_type 사용예제

mysql> select case( json_type( json_extract(capabilities, '$[0]')))
    ->            when "OBJECT" then json_extract( json_extract(capabilities, '$[0]'), '$.capability')
    ->            else json_extract(capabilities, '$[0]')
    ->            end as cap from thermostat_model;
| cap            |
| "fan"          |
| "fan"          |
| "programmable" |
| "programmable" |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

json_type 사용예제 2

mysql> select json_valid('{"capability": fan, "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}');
| json_valid('{"capability": fan, "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}') |
|                                                              0 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

json_valid 예제

mysql> select cast('{"capability": fan, "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}' as json);
ERROR 3141 (22032): Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function cast_as_json: "Invalid value" at position 17 in '{"capability": fan, "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}'.

Invalid CAST 예제

mysql> select json_valid('{"capability": "fan", "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}');
| json_valid('{"capability": "fan", "rpm": 3000, "voltage": 220}') |
|                                                                1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

json_valid 예제

mysql> create table t(doc1 json, doc2 json);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)

mysql> insert into t values('[1,2,3]', json_quote('[1,2,3]'));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> select doc1, json_type(doc1), doc2, json_type(doc2) from t;
| doc1      | json_type(doc1) | doc2      | json_type(doc2) |
| [1, 2, 3] | ARRAY           | "[1,2,3]" | STRING          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

json_quote 예제

mysql> select json_extract('{"userName": "fred"}', '$.userName');
| json_extract('{"userName": "fred"}', '$.userName') |
| "fred"                                             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select json_extract('{"userName":"fred"}', '$.userName') = 'fred';
| json_extract('{"userName":"fred"}', '$.userName') = 'fred' |
|                                                          1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

JSON 비교 예제

mysql> select json_unquote(json_extract('{"userName": "fred" }', '$.userName')) = 'fred';
| json_unquote(json_extract('{"userName": "fred" }', '$.userName')) = 'fred' |
|                                                                          1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

json_unquote으로 JSON 비교 예제



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