Untangle your JavaScript



Session with Demos

Hugo Josefson / Jayway 2014


  • What is Browserify?
  • What problem are we solving?

  • CommonJS Modules

  • Resources

What is this thing?

"...lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies."

What problem are we solving?

What problem are we solving?

  • Long JS files
  • Too many JS files +
    Too many <script src='...'/>
  • Polluting global namespace

CommonJS Modules

to the rescue!

CommonJS Module

        // multiply.js

        module.exports = function (x, y) {
            return x * y;

        // square.js

        var multiply = require('./multiply');

        module.exports = function (x) {
            return multiply(x, x);

        // index.js

        var square = require('./square');

        console.log( square(5) ); // 25

Looks like Node.js modules?

That's right!

CommonJS example
with npm

        $ npm install uniq             // creates node_modules/uniq/...
        // index.js
        var uniq = require('uniq');

        var data = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3];

        console.log( unique(data) );            // [ 1, 2, 3 ]

        $ browserify index.js > bundle.js
        // index.html

        <script src="bundle.js"></script>       // [ 1, 2, 3 ]    

browserify + livereload === beefy

        $ npm install -g beefy

        $ beefy index.js:bundle.js --live
        listening on http://localhost:9966/


  • ...builds bundle.js just like browserify
  • ...serves html and bundle
  • ...livereloads browser on file change


More Introductions...

Untangle Your JavaScript with Browserify
inspirational blog post

Introduction to Browserify (Blake Embrey)
simple examples, also transforms

Browserify and the Universal Module Definition
transform anything to browserify
  • CommonJS (no transform req'd)
  • AMD with deamdify
  • global with deglobalify
  • ES6 with es6ify


how I write tests for node and the browser
simple, simple
by substack

Opinion pieces

Lots of small things
Tiny modules,
Browserify + npm + github = success

Stop using relative paths in your JavaScripts
Relative paths are indicative of
modules wanting to get out

Why I stopped using AMD
A case for Browserify

Eat the cake and keep it?

default is synchronous
    var dep = require('dependency');
    // then use dep...

enables async loading
    require(['dependency'], function (dep) {
        // then use dep...

Promethify example

    // index.js
    var $ = require('jquery');

    $('.buy-product').click(function () {
        require(['/shopping-cart'], function (shoppingCart) {
            // only downloaded shopping cart code
            // including jqueryui when necessary

    // shopping-cart.js
    var $ = require('jquery');
    require('jquery-ui'); // imagine jquery-ui being heavy

    module.exports = {
        open: function () {
            // open modal with jquery ui

Thank you!


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