The MiniClinic

Our revolutionary vehicle offers

basic on-demand medical services

with real doctors at your doorstep.

With rapid diagnostics, treatments,
and automatic transportation to
nearby facilities if needed.

MiniClinic features a comprehensive Nurse's station,

with apparatus for blood pressure, respiratory,

temperature, and heart rate monitoring. The patient

is guided through their own checkup through

video-chat with a real doctor in real time. 

MiniClinic fills in the gap between

emergency trips on an ambulance

and maintenance trips to a primary physician.

Long Story Short,

Personas & Journey Map


Peter is 21 years old.

He is paralyzed from the waist down,
​so he uses wheelchair.

He lives 15 minutes drive from hospital.

He does not have a driver’s license.

He wants easy access to regular health check

so that he does not have to visit hospital.

  1. Through the app, Peter reserves the health check on March 1st. On March 1st, MiniClinic arrives at Peter’s doorstep.
  2. A ramp extends from MiniClinic, and Peter enters the MiniClinic in his wheel chair.
  3. Peter moves in front of the chair in view of the doctor, near the smaller service station accessible for his height.
  4. Doctor sees Peter’s coming in and begins his medical checkup. Doctor finds tumor on Peter’s blood vessel.
  5. The doctor recommends Peter to visit a hospital as soon as possible. Peter accepts, and the MiniClinic drives to hospital with Peter for complete, more thorough medical examination.

Tiffany is 65 years old.

She lives alone at outskirts of the town,

40 minutes drive from hospital.

She does not have a car.

She likes taking care of herself

and considers herself to be

fairly independent.

  1. She is currently having fever, chills, and cough. She wants to check her health so she calls MiniClinic through the app.
  2. MiniClinic arrives at Tiffany’s house.
  3. She scans the QR code and enters the MiniClinic. She sits on the chair.
  4. Tiffany explains her symptoms to doctor on the screen.
  5. MiniClinic starts the basic health check, going through her vitals
  6. The doctor on call reads her results and diagnoses her with the Flu.
  7. Appropriate medication is offered at a price. Tiffany accepts and pays for her medication at the dispensary, where it is dispensed.
  8. She exits the MiniClinic, and MiniClinic goes to the next scheduled client.
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