Stop condition for conflict analysis

Candidate stop conditions

  1. until all-decisions
  2. until decision at current level
  3. until unique literal at current level
  4. until some current level literal is implied
  5. until some literal is implied
\exists k\colon \exists c_i \in C \colon c_i>slack(\rho^k,C)
\exists c_i \in C \colon c_i>slack(\rho^{d-1},C)
\exists! x_i \in C \colon level(x_i)=d
\exists x_i \in C \colon level(x_i)=d \wedge x_i \text{ is decided}
\forall x_i \in C \colon x_i \text{ is decided}
1. \leq 2. \leq 3. \leq 4. \leq 5.
\rho^k = \text{ current assignment after backjumping to } k \\ d = \text{ current decision level }

Stop condition for conflict analysis

x + y + z \geq 2
u+\overline{z} \geq 1
u+\overline{y} \geq 1
u+\overline{x} \geq 1

Example: decide u=0 in the following formula:

u+x + y \geq 2
2u+x \geq 2

Stop condition 4. yields

u \geq 1

Stop condition 3. & 2. & 1. yields


Stop condition for conflict analysis

Open question:

Assuming we keep resolving at lower levels, as long as the slack of the conflict constraint is less than 0, does there exist a situation where 4. and 5. yield a different constraint?


Stop condition 2., 3., 4. may yield constraints that are still conflicting at d-1. In that case, backjump to d-1, continue resolving.

Stop condition for conflict analysis


  1. generalize 1UIP
  2. backjump as far as possible
    <-> resolve as little as possible?
  3. efficient to compute

Candidate stop conditions

  1. until all-decisions
  2. until decision at highest level
  3. until unique literal at highest level
  4. until some last level literal is implied
  5. until some literal is implied

Stop condition for conflict analysis


  1. generalize 1UIP
  2. backjump as far as possible
    <-> resolve as little as possible?
  3. efficient to compute

Candidate stop conditions

  1. until all-decisions
  2. until decision at highest level
  3. until unique literal at highest level
  4. until some last level literal is implied
  5. until some literal is implied

O(n) *
O(n) *
O(lg(n)n) *