Let's learn some Manticore!

Trail of Bits

Infiltrate 2017

What is Manticore?

"Manticore is a prototyping tool for dynamic binary analysis, with support for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and binary instrumentation." -- README.md

Why do I want Manticore?

  • You have binaries you want to analyze
  • You want to hack on cool dynamic binary analysis things
  • You play CTF
  • You want a cool Trail of Bits mug


How do I get Manticore?

  1. Get access from a Trail of Bits employee here
  2. Go to Github
  3. Read README.md and follow the instructions
  4. Check out the wiki


How should I start using Manticore?

  1. Check out examples/linux/binaries
  2. Read through the docs
  3. Do a little static analysis on the multiple-styles binary with your favorite tool (we like Binary Ninja)
  4. Fill in the blanks in the python files
  5. Get your mug!
  6. Check out some cooler challenges! `nc mcore.crack.supply 1337` or corrupt some memory


How can I get help?

  • #tool-manticore on slack
  • Trail of Bits employees here at infiltrate


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