what did you learn about technologies from the process of conducting the product? 

Mac Computers

I have learnt about how to use various software technologies on the Mac computers including Adobe Photoshop .  We used Photoshop for the title sequence at the end of our movie opening.

 We decided to use Photoshop because we felt it would be more effective if the possessed mothers face appears in the "o" in "Gone". We thought that this would be more gripping for the audience and leave them in suspense rather than having a plain white writing  alike other media As film openings; with ours the Photoshop editing adds something different. 


camera & Filming

To film we used the camera pro Sony HVR1000E and also the tripod. I personally had learnt a lot about the camera angles that we used and also learnt little techniques like how to dim the brightness. 

During filming we didn't use any fluorescent lights as we didn't have any access to them however it worked out well because we found it more effective with using natural lighting.  The house we used was the in basement of the house where there was low key lighting which added created mystery and  made it more dramatic. 

 I also learnt about headroom which is making sure there is a fair amount of space above the subjects head and was a good thing to learn and keep into consideration while filming.    

 Editing Process

During the editing process is where I feel like I learnt the most. I had a lot of control and contributed with many of the effects that we used. The software we used was Final cut and once we started to use it, it became easier and more familiar.  Where I felt I learnt a lot was when we had to lower the sound in the videos so that the radio tuning and news report can be heard, because we wanted the  sound to be non diegetic.  

In order for use to make our film look as professional as possible we discovered how to use colour correcter and adjusted the brightness so that the film looked more realistic.