Advanced React ⚛️ Patterns

Patterns to enhance the flexibility and simplicity of

both your components APIs and implementations

Kent C. Dodds


wife, 4 kids, & a dog

PayPal, Inc.

Please Stand...

if you are able ❤️ ♿️

What this workshop is

  • Interactive and Hands-on
  • Advanced! (for experienced React developers)
  • Patterns that put a smile on your face when you are implementing components with them :D

What this talk is not

  • 100% practical examples
  • Covering everything you can do

What this workshop covers

  • Compound Components
  • Render Props
  • State Initializers
  • State Reducers
  • Control Props
  • Provider Pattern
  • Higher Order Components


If you can, do it now, even if you've already done it...

git clone

cd advanced-react-patterns-v2

npm run setup --silent


  • 🙋 Raise your hand to ask and answer questions. Feel free to make relevant comments as well!
  • 💬 🌎 Use the workshop chat room to ask and answer each others questions.
  • 📑 Fill out the elaboration and feedback forms for every exercise.
  • 📧 Ask questions on my AMA (
  • 🐦 Follow me on twitter 😉 (


  1. The why/exercise intro 👨‍💻
  2. Exercises 💪 (pair programming!?)
  3. Elaboration and Feedback Form 📑
  4. ? Bonus 👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓
  5. ? Help others 👩‍🔬 👨‍🔬
  6. ? Make pull requests 🙏


Thank you!