Simply React ⚛️

Component patterns to simplify your reusable components...

Kent C. Dodds


wife, 4 kids, & a dog

PayPal, Inc.

Please Stand...

if you are able ❤️ ♿️

What this talk is

  • Typical component lifecycle example
    (not what you're thinking)
  • How patterns can simplify
  • Composability
  • A challenge

What this talk is not

  • How to implement patterns

Learn React 🆓

Level up in React


bundle size/perf

API complexity

implementation complexity 🐛

maintenance overhead

A word of caution...

What if this is all you will ever need?

Don't solve problems you won't have

Use Patterns that simplify your API

render props

state reducers

control props


compound components

Let's (re)discover more!

Thank you!