working with web maps

geocoding and web mapping with APIs, data and code


Kim Pham


manipulate data programmatically to geocode placenames

convert tabular data into a meaningful geographic data structure

understand the basic concepts of web mapping to programmatically create a web map






getting the data

CSV: Estimates of London's population between 1801 and 2001 derived from historic Census data

sometimes the hardest part is just knowing what to do with the data

i can haz data now what

what do i want to achieve? make web map

what do web maps need?  coordinates

you can do a coordinate lookup (geocoding): google maps


but I have > 1 place!!!! (reliable answer: program)


to program or not to program?  sometimes you have no choice

ask yourself

code to geocode placenames

import os, csv, sys, geopy
import pandas
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim, GoogleV3
# geopy 1.10.0, pandas 0.16.2

def main():
	io = pandas.read_csv('onerow3.csv', index_col=False, header=0, sep=",")
	name = io['Area_Name']
	geolocator = Nominatim()
	# geolocator = GoogleV3()
	io['latitude'] = io['Area_Name'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.latitude))
	io['longitude'] = io['Area_Name'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.longitude))

if __name__ == '__main__':

modular python

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':
import os, csv, sys, geopy
import pandas
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim, GoogleV3

import libraries to use with python (make sure they're installed!)

	io = pandas.read_csv('onerow3.csv', index_col=False, header=0, sep=",")

pandas reads the input CSV

        geolocator = Nominatim()
	# geolocator = GoogleV3()

setting your geolocator API with geopy

    io['latitude'] = io['Area_Name'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.latitude))
    io['longitude'] = io['Area_Name'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.longitude))

create and populate 2 new columns with geopy


write to an output file with pandas



  • OpenStreetMap

  • single-threaded applications

  • user-input

  • limit 1 request/s or timeout

  • 33.5s

  • accurate?


  • Google

  • can upgrade for better performance

  • static (geocoding service not in geopy)

  • 5 requests/s, 2500/day 

  • 11.6s

  • accurate? perhaps the winner

Other geocoders:

accurate? nominatim

accurate? googlev3

you're not stuck with these reults. coding is great because you can tweak it to make it better!

include a little helper

	io['helper'] = io['Area_Name'].map(str) + " " + io['Country']
	io['latitude'] = io['helper'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.latitude))
	io['longitude'] = io['helper'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: (x.longitude))

new column with combined query to geocode with geopy

accurate? more accurate! googlev3


similarly, nominatim


but, still not perfect

historical locations / placenames and boundaries (political and natural) change over time


the best guess - sometimes isn't the best (you might want the outlier!)


i can fix the mistakes myself...for now (but what if there's 200 000 points)


human intervention is sometimes necessary...or iterate to improve your program


the more relevant information you provide, the better


here's a suggestion: use 'London, United Kingdom' rather than just 'United Kingdom'

GeoJSON is JSON, JSON is not GeoJSON

open format - meant to be human-readable

designed with the web in mind

can represent geometry (~ GIS): points, lines, polygons, more

can represent feature (geometry + additional properties)

making GeoJSON

UI tools



ogr2ogr with gdal

csv2geojson tools

From Paper Maps to the Web: A DIY Digital Maps Primer (Mauricio Giraldo Arteaga, NYPL Labs 2015)

the right kind of data

building a web map

with Leaflet

one.  start an html document
two.  link to external leaflet JS files
three.  link to your data

four. create css style
five.  adding a div container for your map
six.  create javascript
seven.  closing everything (your tags)

a web map is made up of tiles

you can set the map layout (viewport)

you can add layers

you can add style, animations, plugins


change the viewport to 

[0.0,-10.0], 2

exercise one

add the 1981 population property to each marker popup

exercise two

change the data source to stations.geojson

exercise three

change the viewport

change popup properties

change declaration in the L.geoJson layer

don't forget

add a mapbox tileset/basemap layer

exercise four

mapbox map ID

mapbox API access token

don't forget

add your own custom icon

exercise five

Kim Pham


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