Genre is the style or category of art, music or literature. Each genre has its own codes and conventions - codes are signs which create meaning and conventions are the specific ways of doing something for a genre.
Science fiction is a genre that typically deals with futuristic and imaginative concepts such as time travel, aliens and space. The genre dates back to the 1900s but has evolved immensely.
The genre has specific codes and conventions that distinguish it from other genres. These are:
- Settings: The setting of a Sci-Fi film is often in a futuristic earth or an alternative universe. These settings often have vibrant colours, and unusual objects that allow them to be identifiable.
- Props/Symbolism: These often include futuristic, unheard of objects to display scientific advancement.
- Shot types/effects: A range of different shot types are used in Sci-Fi films. A lot of different effects are used to suspend disbelief - they make the futuristic element of Sci-Fi films seem more realistic.
- Narrative elements: Typically a rivalry between a hero/villain. They are often based around alien life or scientific advancements.
I enjoy Sci-Fi films because they are imaginative - although they are based on things that do not exist yet or future versions of earth there is an element of realism to them which makes them captivating and interesting to watch.
Thriller is a broad genre, it has many sub genres and can be characterized by the mood it elicits. Thriller has been around since the 1920s. Codes and conventions of the genre include:
- Lighting/music: Low key lighting and shadows are often used to give a frightening effect the music accompanying it is supposed to bring suspense and tension to the film.
- Characters: Protagonist (hero) and antagonist (villain). The protagonist is often stereotypical, a young white conventionally attractive male.
- Cinematography: A genre trope of thriller is close up shots, often of eyes of the characters. This is often to show fear. High angles, birds eye views and long shots are typically used as well to give an eerie feel. There will also be a lot of jump cuts used in editing.
- Setting/location: Suburban neighbourhood or an isolated area.
I enjoy thrillers because they are very extensive. They are also unpredictable which I enjoy.