Investing with Kickfurther

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Give businesses a boost.

Earn returns.

Kickfurther crowd-funds capital for inventory purchases by connecting investors with vetted businesses on our marketplace.

Businesses post offers by choosing the amount of capital they need, the term (length) of the investment payback, and the return percentage investors earn.

Offer example:

Vaportini offered a 9% return over a 4 month investment term with the capital ask of $20,294. 

The capital ask must be met for investors to be charged and cannot exceed the requested amount.

Why our platform works:

Product companies are often faced with a dilemma: their success outpaces their cash on hand and they are unable increase production. We are able to meet their financing needs.

Investment options for people such as bonds and other interest generators pay really low returns, leaving the volatile stock market as the other option. Kickfurther pays hefty returns with much lower risks.

Why we are the only marketplace of our kind:

As long as you are 18 years old you can invest in the businesses on our platform, even if you are non-accredited.

Non-accredited investors can legally invest on our marketplace because all investments are going towards physical inventory. 

Investor Benefits: 

It is a fixed-return and fixed-term investment creating reliable returns. Businesses can fail, but it is extremely rare. In that case, those products still have value and Kickfurther will liquidate them to recoup your investment.

On average investors make over 22% annualized on their investments... Absurd I know. That number does not even include principal or compounding! People prosper on our platform while assisting businesses they like.

Business benefits:

Exposure: Businesses get tons of visibility on our platform and we feature every offer on social media. We also have a store to sell the products that are being invested in.

Engagement: Kickfurther allows businesses to raise capital with the people that already love their product and the tightly knit Kickfurther community.

Earnings: Businesses make larger profits with larger purchase orders. Also, every offer a business does on our marketplace, the better return rates they can request.

Kickfurther Credibility:

Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inc., Company Week, Lendit USA, Product Hunt, and the Denver Business Journal

Over $1 million in offers funded, over $250K paid to our users, and over 75 companies that have posted offers - many of which have done multiple offers. All of which has taken place since January!

Learn even more by exploring our homepage or sign-up now

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