Creating the Constitution

  1. Identify the Framers of the Constitution and discuss how they organized the Philadelphia Convention.

  2. Compare and contrast the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.

  3. Summarize the convention’s major compromises and the effects of those decisions.

Virginia Plan

  • Three Branches of Government
  • Congressional Representation based on population and money
  • Strong centralized government
  • Congress chose the Executive and Judicial branches

Virginia Plan

New Jersey


New Jersey Plan

  • Congressional representation based on territory
  • Congress chose Executive
  • Executive chose Judicial

Connecticut Compromise



  • Also known as "The Great Compromise"
  • Bicameral Congress
    • House based on population
    • Senate based on equal representation
  • House chose Senators - why?
  • Who chose the President?

3/5 Compromise

3/5 Compromise

Each slave as three-fifths of a person when figuring representation in Congress

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

Congress could not tax state exports or interfere with the slave trade until 1808

Structure of the Constitution

  • Article 1: Legislative Branch
  • Article 2: Executive Branch
  • Article 3: Judicial Branch
  • Article 4: State Relations
  • Article 5: Constitutional Amendments
  • Article 6: Supremacy Clause
  • Article 7: Constitutional Ratification 
    • 9/13 States to Ratify
    • What about the others?

The Battle for Ratification

Identify the opposing sides in the fight for ratification.

Analyze the major arguments for/against the proposed Constitution.


  • Led by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton
  • Believed in a strong central government


  • Led by Patrick Henry, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams
  • Opposed a strong central government
  • Worried about the lack of protection for civil rights

What do they do?


  • James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington
  • The Federalist Papers


  • Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, John Hancock
  • Anti-Federalist papers

Another Compromise...

What's in the 

Bill of Rights?