
Nadav Bar

Microsoft R&D

Who am I?

Nadav Bar, Microsoft R&D






Node & Microsoft

  • Node is fully compatible with windows (as of July 2011)

  • Microsoft actively contributes to node.js source code

  • Azure websites have full support for node.js


Background - WinRT APIs

  • Windows 8 introduced a new set of APIs  in order to replace the old Win32 APIs – WinRT (Windows Runtime)
  • Better architecture: object oriented, async. Very in line with node.js methodologies.
  • Exposes OS & device capabilities: sensors, location, media, etc..
  • Cross device: same code can target PC, Tablet, Phone and different CPU architectures.
  • Same set of APIs is available across C++, C#, JavaScript.

Background - WinRT APIs

WinRT in node.js

Great! So can we use it node.js?





Nope, JavaScript bindings only work for Windows store applications!


But…we can write an addon in c++ and expose it to node

Native node addon



Winrt in Node.js – 1st try

Suppose we want to access the accelerometer readings:


Winrt in Node.js – 1st try

Ok, cool – but what about the light sensor?

Winrt in Node.js – 1st try

  • Well, there are a bunch of other sensors…and APIs..
  • Things started to get pretty repetitive
  • Class names and types will be different, but the same flow is used every time:
  1. Convert input parameters from JavaScript to c++
  2. Execute WinRT method
  3. Convert the result from c++ to JavaScript


There must be a better way!

Winrt in Node.js – 2nd try

  • WinRT comes with a set of metadata files, which describe the API.
  • We can use c# to load the metadata files using reflection and iterate over the API programmatically
  • c#?!  But we want JavaScript, and we are already using c++…


Winrt in Node.js – 2nd try

  • WinRT comes with a set of metadata files, which describe the API.
  • We can use c# load the metadata files using reflection and iterate over the API programmatically
  • c#?!  But we want JavaScript, and we are already using c++…


NodeRT - Demo #1

NodeRT – WinRT module generator

  • Create one-to-one mappings between the WinRT classes and JavaScript objects
  • Use a web templating engine – but render c++ code instead of HTML
  • We use RAZOR, the open source templating engine behind ASP.NET
  • We can use c# constructs inside the templates, easily access the metadata
  • The output is a c++ source file that compiles into a node native addon.


NodeRT - Template Example

NodeRT – WinRT module generator

  • Generated modules expose the same API as the WinRT ones
  • Support classes, methods, properties, events
  • Each namespace compiles into a separate module
  • Reflection is only done during code generation
  • Actual calls into WinRT are lightweight and made on-demand


WinRT APIs + NodeRT

Streams Support

  • WinRT has its own set of streams
  • We wanted to provide node.js style “stream programming” for WinRT streams
  • nodert-streams module, available on npm


Native node addon

Demo #2

Thank you!


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