a collaborative vision

for Phase 2


What is User Experience?


userexperiencerocks.com   |   @jrna245


Design your layout around the heart of a story, not the product or service





web demos


Content is king

(and will always be.)




Experience your user’s experience so that their next user experience will be an experience that you’ll want to experience


that all sounds nice, but...

how do i help make a great web page when i don't know how to build them?

Waterfall process

  • Kickoff meeting between managers only
  • Managers then have a meeting with their own teams to explain what was said in the kick off meeting
  • Then status meetings are often done to make sure each team still understand what is needed.
  • Between all the meetings, we still need to email constantly for missing items or clarification.

less meetings and emails

more collaboration and creativity

creativity playground session

  • 10 min intros
  • 10 min goal scope
  • 10 min success metrics
  • 20 min story brainstorm
  • 10 min imagery brainstorm
  • 10 min sitemap
  • 20 min content map
  • 30 min wireframe
  • 1 hr interactive mock

after the playground session

  • Everyone gets their roles back
  • Everyone knows the gameplan
  • Everyone knows what they need to do

great UX starts here

"behind every great design is an even greater process."

thank you

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