Welcome to Slides
The easiest way to create beautiful presentations, like this one.
This deck will guide you through some of the most recently added features.
New editor
We've rewritten the editor from the ground up!
Arrange slides
Activate the Arrange mode to re-arrange slides.
Per slide backgrounds
Good way to call attention to a slide!
Another background color example.
New theming options
Fine-tune colors, fonts and transitions.
Reveal parts of a slide one step at a time.
Great tool for storytelling.
Revision history (Pro)
When you save a deck, that point in time will be stored as a revision.
You can then choose to view any revision of the deck, or even roll back to it in case you made a mistake.
New profile pages
Mobile ready
You can even do some editing if you're on a tablet.
...and much more
Right-to-left support
- Auto-saving
- Share secret links to private decks
- Deck descriptions
- Deck renaming
- Image resizing