Building immersive WebVR with existing 2D content

by Olga Dmitricenko

virtual reality

the computer-generated simulation of a 3D image or environment in which one’s actions have direct impact on the environment and experience.

This environment can be interacted in a seemingly real physical way by a person using a VR headset with a screen inside or with sensors.


360° Cinema

360° Cinema: Camera’s position vs Reality

Source: 360Heroes

Is it VR ?

3D image: no

Immersive experience: yes

Altering narrative: no

Impact: no

3D films

Gravity (2013) by Warner Bros., acquired from CreativeCow website

Source: https://

Is it VR ?

3D image: no

Immersive experience: yes

Altering narrative: no

Impact: no

Volumetric VR

Volumetric VR Cinema

Author: 8i


Volumetric VR: Video capturing

Is it VR ?

3D image: yes

Immersive experience: yes

Altering narrative: maybe

Impact: maybe

Responsive VR aka WebVR

Stereo Camera


Stereo card or Stereogram

Press Ctrl + Alt +i (on 🍎/🐧/Win) for inspector

Desktop view

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Stereocard viewer demo</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Interactive A-Frame stereogallery demo">
    <script src=""></script>
      <a-camera id="camera" position="0 0 0.0" rotation="0 0 0 "></a-camera>
      <a-plane id="image" position="0 1.6 -0.04" rotation="0 0 0" 
               width="0.1375" height="0.0692" 

      <a-plane id="shield-lr" position="0 1.6 -0.05" rotation="0 90 0"
               width="0.15" height="0.1" color="#dbd514"></a-plane>

    <!-- 2nd plane is  rotated -90 on Y axes, plane has only one visible side once it rendered --> 
      <a-plane id="shield-rl" position="0 1.6 -0.05" rotation="0 -90 0" 
               width="0.15" height="0.1" color="#14cedb"></a-plane>

      <a-sky color="#005555"></a-sky>

Mobile view

In Stereo


Github repo:                                     License: MPL-2.0

EleVR 360 player

2D video in VR mode

<!-- Fragment shader program -->
  <script id="shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
  varying mediump vec3 vDirection;
   uniform mediump float eye;
   uniform mediump float projection;

  uniform sampler2D uSampler;

  #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

  mediump vec4 directionToColor(mediump vec3 direction, 
                                mediump float eye, 
                                mediump float projection) {

    mediump float theta = atan(direction.x, -1.0 * direction.z)*3.0 + 1.0*PI;
    mediump float phi = atan(direction.y, length(direction.xz))*3.0;

    highp float x = 1.0 - (theta / (2.0*PI));
    highp float y = phi / PI + 0.5;

    if (y < 0.0 || y > 1.0)
      return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (x < 0.0 || x > 1.0)
      return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    return texture2D(uSampler, vec2(x, y));

  void main(void) {
    gl_FragColor = directionToColor(vDirection, eye, projection);

Fragment Shader

Why 2D content matters


Value in it’s origin

Less is more

Human vision

Storytelling tool

Historical events

Thank You

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