Theories to be used

By Neha Saleem


There are certain theorists that suggested some characteristics that are common in music videos based on its genre. Following are the theories that are being applied to the video we will be making.

Andrew Goodwin

According to Andrew Goodwin, there are certain characteristics that are expected from a music video based on its genre. The genre that we are using is Sufi Pop. Sufi Pop artists are usually not very glamorous. Their dressing and their looks are not their priority. The band performance featured in our music video will have a similar scenario.

Sufi music is usually edited using slow cuts which will also be done in our video.

Also, Sufi Pop artists use certain gestures and expressions that give a feel of mysticism. For example they usually look towards the sky while singing which connotes a connection between the performer and God. Such gestures will be shown in our video as well.

There is a certain degree of relation between the lyrics and the video in our music video. For example when the lyrics are “Tootay khwabon ke manzar pe (on broken dreams)” we will show broken glass. The lyrics are mainly about asking for God’s help and we will show a woman praying in the video to show a relation between the lyrics and the visuals. However, there is not much relation between the lyrics and the video.


There is a relation between the music and the visuals. The music is very spiritual and the lighting etc in the music video will also give a gloomy and spiritual feel. The cuts in the video will also be in sync with the music.

There will be some close ups of the lead vocalists in the band to fulfill the demands of the record label as well. However, Sufi Pop is appreciated more for the music itself rather than the artists and therefore we will focus on the lead singers but not so much.

There will be some intertextual references related to the location where the band will perform.



Sven E Carlson

According to this theorist, our music video is a narrative and performance based video. Sven E Carlson’s theory was about binary opposites. He said that there are three types of characteristics in a music video that help the narrative move forward.

First is “Commercial Exhibitionist”. The singers in this video are not selling their faces or their lifestyles as they are not portrayed as very glamorous people. We can say that they are selling their voices to attract consumers though.

Second is “Televised Bard”. This video will use clothes to tell the story. The uniform of APS will be used to tell what incident the narrative is referring to.

Third is “Electronic Shamon”. This is not used anywhere in this music video.


Micheal Shore

Micheal Shore’s theory doesn’t apply to our music video as it says that there are certain elements such as speed, power, girls, wealth etc that are shown in music videos to attract consumers. However, our music video uses none of this.


Steve Archer

Steve Archer emphasizes the relation between the narrative and the performance. The performers in our music video will act in a way that will reflect the narrative of the video which is basically a tragedy. The performers’ expressions etc will indicate this.


Laura Mulvey


There is not any kind of objectification of women in our music video, therefore, this theory doesn’t apply to our music video.


These were some of the music video theories that are being applied in our music video.