Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Anambas, Natuna islands marine tourism showcased at Wonderful Sail Natuna 2017

Natuna Islands will welcome 150 foreign tourists and 25 yachts for Wonderful Sail Natuna 2017, an international yacht rally supported by the Tourism Ministry that runs from June 13 to 15.


The three-day event is the result of a collaboration with Sail Malaysia Passage to the East, another yacht rally that departs from Langkawi to Sandakan in Sabah, the northern part of Kalimantan island.


“The Sail to Natuna event has been conducted for three years, partnering with the regency administration. The goal is to promote Natuna regency as the world’s leading destination for cruise tourism as well as stimulating infrastructure development for marine tourism,” said Esthy Reko Astuti from the Tourism Ministry, who oversees national tourism marketing.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya added: "It's guaranteed that [this area] has interesting attractions, supported by Natuna and Anambas' natural beauty and marine tourism potentials.


"If these yachters are exposed to Indonesia, I want them to stay longer. Our marine tourism is world-class. Our sea zone, coastal zone and underwater tourism […] are among the best in the world.”

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya added: "It's guaranteed that [this area] has interesting attractions, supported by Natuna and Anambas' natural beauty and marine tourism potentials.


"If these yachters are exposed to Indonesia, I want them to stay longer. Our marine tourism is world-class. Our sea zone, coastal zone and underwater tourism […] are among the best in the world.”

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