Philipp Welsch

18.7.2016 - 21.12.2016

Internship Game

The Company

Founded by two FHS Lecturers



Work on both commissioned and internal projects



Mainly build applications in Unity3D, AR Apps,  Art Installation projects


2 Founders (Project Mangament, Customer Relations, Financials, etc.)



Two programmers (including me)



One artist

New Tech







iOS Services

AHA / Clustar

Fallen Angels


Unnamed Food Company App

Do you use source control? ✔️


Can you make a build in one step? ✔️


Do you make daily builds? ✔️


Do you have a bug database? ~


Do you have an up-to-date schedule? ✔️


Do new candidates write code during their interview? ❌

The Joel Test

Do you fix bugs before writing new code?

The Joel Test

Do you have a spec?

The Joel Test

Do programmers have quiet working conditions?


The Joel Test

Do you use the best tools money can buy?

The Joel Test

Do you have testers?

The Joel Test

Do you do hallway usability testing?


The Joel Test

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