HCI - Übung 2

Welsch, Rosenberger, Wimmer


Braking Distance Visualisation

Would you find a visualization of your current braking distance helpful?


Yes, I could use it as a tool to drive better and safer.

Contextual Inquiry

Contextual Inquiry

Would you find a heads up display annoying?


It heavily depends on the size and style of the visualizations. I would prefer a minimalist design that doesn't clutter my field of view.

Contextual Inquiry

How precisely do you feel you can estimate your current braking distance?


I think I could estimate it pretty well, but I would appreciate assistance.

Contextual Inquiry

Would you feel safer with a visualization of your current braking distance?


Yes, I think I would have an easier time adjusting my driving style and feel a lot safer, knowing when to adjust my speed.

Forward Collision Warning Systems Using Heads-Up Displays: Testing Usability of Two New Metaphors


Visualisation of safety distance and use of traffic signals as metaphors for driver's behaviour.



VW Golf Head-Up Display

Visualisation of current speed, speed limit and recommended speed (based on weather and road conditions). 



Related Work

Augmented Reality based on Driving Situation Awareness in Vehicle 

Vehicle related information and threat assessment and warning in HUD


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Threat assessment using Augumented Reality


Visual Longitudinal and Lateral Driving Assistance in the Head-Up Display of Cars

Visualisation of breaking distance and drive path using geometric metaphor. 


Related Work

The user enters the motorway and turns on the braking distance visualisation. 

After some time they approach an unexpected traffic jam.

Using traffic and environment data, the braking distance system notifies the user of his current braking distance and recommends adjustments to their speed in order to approach the traffic jam safely.

Having been warned by the system, the user can adjust his speed and come to a safe and planned stop behind the leading vehicle.


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