Product + Marketing = Growth

John Fan

PicCollage 拼貼趣

Top Photo App for iOS/Android

120 million downloads

How to change the world?

Build something great!

Let people know about it!


Build something great!


Let people know about it!

Product vs. Marketing

Product + Marketing

The nature of products has changed!

The nature of products has changed.

This changes how you do marketing!

How to build the right thing?

1. Understand your users

2. Make creative hypotheses

3. Run experiments

4. Measure and analyze

1. Understand your users

2. Make creative hypotheses

3. Run experiments

4. Measure and Analyze

Financial Accounting?

User Accounting

Cohort Analysis


In other words:

1. See what users do.

2. Come up with crazy ideas.

3. Try, try and try again. 

4. Use data to pick best direction.

Related Concepts:


Design Thinking

Lean Startup


Digital Marketing

Performance Marketing


Traditional product teams 

(PMs, designers & developers)

usually focus on building, 

not on marketing.

"Built it, and they will come." 


Traditional marketers usually do not

have ability to change the product.

"What's my marketing budget?"



Combine aspects of

Product + Marketing 

in order to focus on growth.

Are you building 

toothpaste or Dropbox?

Product + Marketing = Growth

Example: AirBNB posting to Craigslist

Let your users tell other users

Optimize your distribution channels

Some big tech companies 

(e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Uber)

set up a separate growth team.

Growth Team:

Has power to change product.

Creative and experimental.

Define actionable target metrics. 

Understand users  ("magic moment").

Combines psychology, coding, 

design, PM, marketing, analytics, etc.

In the early stage, 

focus on LEARNING, 

not on GROWING.

Make a great product first.


Think about marketing 

only after you reach 

Product-Market Fit.

Use fake ads before you build it!

I didn't use the word 

"Growth Hacking" yet.

Sean Ellis

"Find a Growth Hacker for your Startup"

Andrew Chen

"Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing"

Josh Elman

"Secrets to Driving Massive User Growth"

Aaron Ginn

"Defining a Growth Hacker"

Neil Patel

QuickSprout: Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking

Tempo Feng


"Growth Hacking" is a process,

not a set of tricks.

Every startup is different and 

the market is always shifting.

By the time you read about it, 

it's probably too late.


The nature of products has changed.

Product + Marketing = Growth

Test, measure, learn.

Know what stage you are in.

Focus on the process, not on tricks.


⭐Build for users    ⭐Work smart

⭐Always Be Learning 

⭐International      ⭐Fun and Creative