Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Colour Scheme

The colour theme of my magazine (black, red and white) helped me reach my male audience as these colours tend to attract more males than females, since females may prefer other colours such as purple. I used red and white as the colours for the writing, so it stands out against the background, making it easy for the reader to read. 

Colour Scheme

From this comment, I have tried to improve my magazine as best I could, with things such as the background colour to make the artist stand out more. So, the end result should make it look like the artist is the main attraction, the reason why people may first be interested in my magazine.


I kept the colours of the magazine the same throughout, and made the layout very traditional to how magazines are usually laid out. I made the most important writing on the page in the biggest font size, to grab the most attention from the reader, and made the main cover star the biggest thing on the page, so this out of everything should have had the most attention.

I used similar fonts on the front cover, as my teacher had suggested instead of using about 8 different fonts on the front cover, it would be more professional and neat to stick to 1 or maximum 2 fonts, which is what I did. 



In terms of photography, the pictures I have used may seem very untraditional, but I think it works really well. 

There are magazines from people such as Eminem where the cover photo was in black and white. But in doing this, I believe it has helped me attract my type of audience, people who like grime may prefer a black and white picture, for that 'street' look rather than have a very colourful photo in a bright background.