Top 5 worst decisions

Sandy Vanderbleek 👔

decision maker 🔦

expert at decisions 🔮

decisive 👈👉



1. these slides

they suck


boo 👎


Federal Death Row Prisoners


would be a good boy band name?

2. purefix

it was $400

i just did it so it's fresh



she's trapped in bread

3. mutliple thailand


like dark shit

can't talk about it

text me 3213616110

$1 a text

$2 per character

$fees apply based on the

what's the planets

and it's like retrograde

I invented diminished 6ths

on the keys 👽🎹🗝🍑

4. that time I jumped a turnstile and went to jail

jail sucks ⛓🔨

go to your court dates 👩‍⚖️

know your rights 📚

some cops ignore/arrest regaredless 👮‍♂️

damn (also rough up 👊)

it's a strategy that fucks up your life

nobody cares except those free lawyers 🙏

I made a cool friend he has a kid and likes jet ski 🚤

5. can't talk about it

actually the worst

thing I've ever



Thanks 👀
can I still run 2020✅

with kanye  

2020 with kanye

ya voté 🇺🇸🏈🌎

tu decides

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