Constructing a job description

Simon Hettrick


2 May 2019 - Aspiring RSE Leaders, Brockenhurst           @sjh5000     ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195

Job descriptions balance bureaucracy, practicality and reality


Your milage

may vary


"Design solutions to meet client and other stakeholder need, including e.g. pricing and other practical considerations, or formulating and developing new testing & experimental processes, new software, etc."



"Able to formulate development plans for own staff to meet current and future skill needs"

"Delivery of the technical activities of specialised software consultancy services to research partners, clients and industrial collaborators either as part of co-funded collaborative projects, SSI-funded consultancy or paying customers."

"Delivery of the technical activities of specialised software consultancy services to research partners, clients and industrial collaborators either as part of co-funded collaborative projects, SSI-funded consultancy or paying customers."

Or just write a blog post...

  1. Split into groups

  2. Find the appropriate notes section in Google drive:

  3. Choose some job descriptions to review:

  4. Discuss what is good and bad about them

  5. Put together notes (or a new JD):

  6. Try out your notes/JD in the hiring section