Taverna 3 architecture and code base

Stian Soiland-Reyes

myGrid team

University of Manchester


Taverna Open Development workshop, Manchester, 2014-10-31


Taverna Platform

taverna-scufl2 Workflow language and API

taverna-databundle Data Bundles (workflow runs)

taverna3-osgi-services OSGi services for XML handling

taverna3-commons Plugins/services/configuration

taverna3-platform API wrapping execution engine

taverna-starter API for using platform outside OSGi

taverna-maven-archetypes Creating Taverna plugins

taverna3-maven-plugin Packaging Taverna 3 plugins

Taverna Platform in Incubator



taverna-language (scufl2, databundle)

taverna-engine-api / -impl (platform-api, engine-core, core activities)

taverna-engine-common-activities (wsdl, rest)

taverna-engine-product (use platform outside OSGi)

taverna-plugin-* (e.g. biomart)

Taverna Engine

Taverna activities

taverna-component-activity Wrap workflow as reusable/updatable/shareable component

taverna-interaction-activity User interactions (web-based)

taverna-rest-activity RESTful web services

taverna-wsdl-activity WSDL SOAP 1/2 Web Services

taverna-xpath-activity Select parts of XML

taverna-jsonpath-activity Select parts of JSON

taverna-spreadsheet-import-activity Load spreadsheet data

taverna-rshell-activity Execute R script

taverna-external-tool-activity Execute command line tools (ssh+local)



Taverna bioinformatics activities

Discontinued activities

Taverna Workbench

taverna-ui-api Workbench User Interface API (menus, file opening, clipboard, perspectives)

taverna-ui-impl Workbench User Interface implementations, main window


Workbench components (diagram, explorer, results)


Workbench extensions (looping, renderers, shortcuts)