Income Support


Hunger in the United States

Imagine yourself living in poverty in Philadelphia.

You decide to look into food vouchers provided by the county.

Are you eligible?

  • I am a single mother with 2 children. I immigrated to the US 3 years ago and make $2000 per month.


  • I am a single male and make $1500 per month. I am in between jobs.


  • My wife and I are 75 years old. We have worked and paid our taxes our whole lives and have owned the same 2 cars for decades. Now, we are too weak to work and have a depleting savings account. 

What can I buy with my vouchers?

  • Basket 1: Wawa hoagie, gummy vitamins


  • Basket 2: Toilet paper, cigarettes, red wine


  • Basket 3: Cereal, apples, Monster energy drink




~46 million Americans participate


More than 658,000 in Philly region use program (


80% of recipients are in the workforce 


Average family receives between $16 and ~$500  per month

Reading 1: The Case Against In-Kind Transfers 

Judith Barmack, 1977

  • Costs: 
    • Private: county payments to participants, travel expenses, stigma
    • Public: administration of program, clerical time, banking changes
  • Benefits:
    • Private: success rates depend based on behavior, preferences
    • Public: social benefit, paternalism






Social Exclusion


Complex income formula

Reading 2: Consumption Responses to In-Kind Transfers Hoynes, Schanzenbach

Retrospective study to measure impact of FSPs from 1968-78



4 variables measured:

Use of food stamps 


Cash Inflow


Expenditure of 'eating in' 


Total food expenditure



Increased usage of food stamps


No significant change


No significant change


Large increase in consumption, esp.

using food stamps

Significance and Lasting Questions

  • Have we solved the inefficiencies and inequities Barmack describes?


  • What role does behavior and psychology play in the distribution of these vouchers?
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