Templating in Java (Script)


using all your kick-ass client side Javascript templating frameworks in Java

by Sriharsha Sistalam (@harry_sistalam)

Popular client side templates


  • Mustache
  • DustJS
  • Handlerbars
  • EJS
  • + many many more

Why server side


  • Increases for user perceived time.
  • Faster loading of initial pages.
  • Cases where Javascript is disabled (do we still care?)
  • Printing.
  • SEO (#Angularjs, #emberJs I am looking at you!) (@prerender.io)


If you are using #nodejs, you are good to go. Else?

Templates in Java


So do I need another templating library for Java?



Choose a template which has support for the language you need

and hope that they have a "Jar" for you! 

Do we really need a Jar?

Problem with using dependency tools (mvn, npm)?


At you fingertips you have access to thousands of libraries to use. Just add in package.json/pom.xml


Dependency hell! 


Side note:  Please please don't use '*' in your package.json


Do we really need a Jar (cont..)

Java has a "JavaScript" engine (Yay!)

Rhino in JS < 8 , Nashorn in Java 8 with ES standard (seriously? ES6?)


It has been used for ages to use evaluate Dynamic Expressions in Java.

Show me the code..


var fun1 = function(name) {
    return ('Hello World, ' + name);

var fun2 = function (object) {
    print("JS Class Definition: " + Object.prototype.toString.call(object));

// main Java code.

ScriptEngineManager engineManager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = engineManager.getEngineByName("nashorn");
engine.eval(new FileReader("script.js"));
Invocable invocable = (Invocable) engine;

Object result = invocable.invokeFunction("fun1", "JSFoo");


=> Hellow World, JSFoo

Enough of Hello world!

Nashron gives the full ability to load various files, templates, libraries into context


ScriptEngineManager engineManager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = engineManager.getEngineByName("nashorn");
File file = new File("dust-full.js");
System.out.println("File content is " + file)
engine.eval(new FileReader(file));

// Get the dust js object
Invocable invocable = (Invocable) engine;
Object dustjs = engine.eval("dust");

// Just a string based template
String template = "Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages.";
Object compileTemplate = invocable.invokeMethod(dustjs, "compile",
        template, "myphrase");

Object loadedSource = invocable.invokeMethod(dustjs, "loadSource",

Dust.js example


Writer writer = new StringWriter();

String nameJson = "{\"name\": \"Mick\",\"count\": 30}";

 * Create the JSON Object based on the user model
Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
bindings.put("name", "myphrase");
bindings.put("json", nameJson);
bindings.put("writer", writer);

 * Set the context to evalutate the bindings.
engine.getContext().setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);

 *  Evaluate the bindings. i.e build HTML
engine.eval(renderScript, engine.getContext());

How about data

How do you generate the data for Templates.


Client side: We use JSON.

Server side: We have Models (Pojo)


Convert your POJO objects to JSON representation using a JSON generator like GSON.




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