Research and The Libraries

S3P 7.25.19

+ Introduction to the libraries

+ What is research?

+ How do we find it?


What are we doing here?





{Subscriptions, Books, Journal Articles, Databases}

  {Research help from librarians + RIAs}

{Requesting articles, Borrowing books from other libraries}

The Libraries

{McCabe, Cornell, Underhill}

(+ a lot more!)

What is Research?


(something you do)



(something you find)

"I’m studying drosophila to determine whether odor changes mating behavior."

"I'm looking for articles on
olfactory response in the mating behavior of drosophila."

Kinds of resources

  • Print books
  • Print journals
  • eBooks
  • Online journals
  • Articles
  • Book chapters
  • Data and Statistics
  • Maps
  • Magazines and Newspapers
  • DVDs and streaming video

How do we find them?

  • How were the books similar?
  • How were they different?
  • Does that tell you anything about how books are arranged in the library?

McCabe Homework Review

What about articles?

Some resources for
finding scholarly articles:



Web of Science

Google Scholar

What about articles?

Tracing Leads: Article to Article

Open Niobe Way and Joseph Nelson's book chapter. Chapter title: "The Listening Project: Fostering Curiosity and Connection in Middle Schools."

Go to page 288.


Locate the sentence that includes note #30.

Go to the notes section (end of the chapter). Find note 30.

Understanding notes:
Identifying types of sources

Journal Article

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s, doi:xx.xxxx/xxxxxx

Carol Gilligan, "The Listening Guide Method of Psychological Inquiry," Qualitative Psychology 2, no. 1 (2015): 69-77

Alisha Ali, "A Framework for Emancipatory Inquiry in Psychology: Lessons from Feminist Methodology," Race, Gender, and Class 13, nos 1-2 (2006):1-14.

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s, doi:xx.xxxx/xxxxxx

Other common source types: Books, Book Chapters,
Conference Presentations, Videos

Understanding notes:
Identifying types of sources


Carol Gilligan, Joining the Resistance (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011).

Book Chapter

Author, A. (Year). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher.


Author, A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

What about articles?

  • Find the full PDF of this article using Tripod or Web of Science.
  • Compare what you find:
    • What did you search?
    • Number of results?
    • Can you access the full text?
    • Are there any cited references?

Dumas, M. J., & Nelson, J. D. (2016). (Re)Imagining Black Boyhood: Toward a Critical Framework for Educational Research. Harvard Educational Review, 86(1), 27–47.

{ specialized research tools }

((arab*) AND (world OR popul* OR people*)) AND ((sign) AND (language))

Sign language in the Arab world

How you talk

How a database talks

But first ...

American Sign Language




Sign Language




Derogatory Nicknames in American Sign Language






("american sign language" OR ASL OR "sign language")
AND (derogatory OR insult) 
AND (nickname OR epithet OR moniker)


Decide on a search query  

from the article by Nelson. 


Search the same query using

Tripod, Web of Science

and, Google Scholar. 


Compare your results with a neighbor.

Discussion Questions & Posting

1. What was each person's query?

Put the person's name by each query.


2. Whose query returned more results?

Write their name.


3. For the entry that returned the most results, what are the top 3 articles listed from each database?

Put the database name next to the three articles.


Post your answers to these questions here:

B / E / A / M

Writers rely on background sources, interpret or analyze exhibits, engage arguments, and follow methods.

Bizup (2008)

Exhibit (Evidence)


Materials used to establish facts. Implies membership in a community based on shared references

The materials to be analyzed, examined or interpreted


Sources you engage with or respond to directly by countering, extending or refining the claims made 

Method (Model)

Using a source's way of analyzing an issue to apply to your own issue

B/E/A/M examples 


Practice using BEAM

The interviewer asks "thick" questions---rooted in Geertz's distinction between "thick" and "thin" interpretations (21) -- that get at the nuances and details of an experience....   [Page 278]

21. Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures


In this sentence, Way and Nelson cite Geertz's book to show how they are using his approach to interpretation to guide their own.


Practice using BEAM

A longitudinal study in New York City reveals that 55 percent of teachers who entered middle schools between 2002 and 2009 left those schools within 3 years.  (3)

3. William H. Marinell, "The Middle School Teacher Turnover Project...


In this sentence, Way and Nelson use Marinell's research as a background source - introducing the situation and problem their research will focus on.


Practice using BEAM

Rather than starting from the belief, evident in many middle schools, that education is about filling empty vessels (i.e. heads and/or brains) with information... (12), our project starts from a more expansive set of beliefs....   [Page 275]

12. Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed


Way and Nelson cite Paolo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed in order to build on his analysis of educational systems.


Citation Guide

Thank you!

Lorin Jackson (ljackso1)

Resident Librarian for Research and Instruction


Sarah Elichko (selichk1)

Social Sciences and Data Librarian


Andrea Baruzzi (abaruzz1)

Science Librarian
