Questionnaire Results
I asked 100 people to fill in a questionnaire to help me out in confirming my target audience and my magazine name. It also helped me as it was people in my target audience answering the questions and therefore I know what they would prefer.
Are you Male or
Based on the results of the questionnaire,
the magazine will have more male readers than female but there is not too much of a difference of numbers.
How old are you?
My target audience will primarily be 16-27 year olds as I got more response from them. My secondary audience will be people ages 28-35 mostly as they are the third largest response after 16-21 and 22-27.
What is your preffered genre of music?
The results of my questionnaire show that the most preffered genre of music within my audience is between 3; Alternative, Rock and Indie. Therefore this will allow me to create a magazine based on all three.
Which title would you prefer?
The two most popular
titles were "Underdog" and "Riot"
with the same amount of people
choosing each one. I will make my
final decision based on how
well it fits on the page and
which one looks better.
What kind of content would you like?
The results for this question are very similar as they are all what most music magazines would contain. My audience want a variety of content and therefore it is almost equal in results.
What prizes would you like if there was to be a competition?
My audience have chosen World Trips and VIP Gig Tickets as competition prizes that they would be happy and excited to recieve. CD's and other are an option if the magazine were to have a lower budget in a competition.
How often would you like the magazine to be released?
My audience would prefer me to release the magazine either weekly or fortnightly as this is what the biggest results are in. This allows me to follow through with my plan of releasing it fortnightly.
What colour scheme would you like?
The results for dark and colourful colour schemes are most preffered over a neutral colour scheme, therefore I will combine the two and use NME as a style model to create a house style of colours etc.
What is the maximum you would be willing to pay?
The biggest results in this question show that my audience would like to pay between £2-£3 for their magazine and therefore I will price my magazine £2.50.