CS Outreach

Project Include

The Presenters

Umar Ahmed

Arsala Bangash

Python Instructor

Python Instructor

  • Second year CS student at UTSG
  • Third year CS student at UTM

Project Include

  • High school and middle school workshops
  • 8-week bootcamp
  • Java, Python, HTML, etc.

Project Include aims to make coding fun and accessible to everyone. We strive to provide people without any prior knowledge of code the opportunity to learn computer science regardless of socio-economic class, race, or age.




Teach Concept

Evaluate students

Model 1 (c. Week 1)

aka University Lecture Style


Input & Output


Model 2 (c. Week 3-5)

Teach Concept

Collaborate on exercises

Group evaluations

Group Learning

Model 3 (c. Week 6-8)

Walk-through Assignments

  • Worked in groups with one teacher per group
  • Assignment starter code and commented steps provided
  • Students can get help from teacher one-on-one
  • Students help each other to solve a common problem


  • Random Number Guessing Game
  • Tic-Tac-Toe

Best way to learn is to teach

Kids say the darndest things

but do we have an answer?

Why do we need variables?


What actually happens when you run a computer program?


Why do we even have so many programming languages? Why not just write what we want in English?

Who said teaching was easy?

In a perfect world...

$ touch lesson1
$ git add lesson1
$ git commit -m "Done teaching for today"
$ git push students brain

But in reality...

teaching requires lots of




But it is all worth it...

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