
What's self-control got to do with it?

Presented by:
Una Hartzell-Baird

Are you a good habit or a bad habit?

  • Charles Duhigg- The Power of Habit
  • Willpower, self-control -> the super powers of habit change

Why do we care about willpower?

"The practical significance is enormous.  Most of the problems that plague modern individuals in our society -- addiction, overeating, crime, domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, prejudice, debt, unwanted pregnancy, educational failure, underperformance at school and work, lack of savings, failure to exercise -- have some degree of self control failure as a central aspect." - Roy Baumeister, PhD

Cookies or Radishes?

  • Roy F. Baumeister, PhD- Self control as a limited resource
    • Ego depletion- combination of energy and the processes involving energy (from Freudian theories)
    • More likely to make bad decisions after self-control is exerted
    • Glucose plays a role
    • Being mindful about making changes in one area of your life can lead to changes in others

Work it out!

  • Self-control is like a muscle- it fatigues with use
  • It's also like a muscle in that it can strengthen! (sorry, you're not off the hook for that midnight Chubby Hubby binge)

  • Muraven
    • short term- 2 week study
  • Oaten and Chang
    • longer term- 2 month study

Chubby Bunny

  • Mischel
    • Marshmallow experiment
    • 40 years!
    • Brain scan studies 

(spoiler alert, she's born with it)

Study Takeaways 

(Psy Blog Remix!)

  1. Respect low ego
  2. Pre-commit
  3. Use rewards
  4. And penalties
  5. Fight the unconscious (mere suggestion of temptation)
  6. Adjust expectations (it's ok to lie to yourself and be overly optimistic- as long as you're not outside of the realm of reality)
  7. Adjust values (value your goals and thumb your nose at temptations)
  8. Use your heart (emotions can help you meet your goals)
  9. Self affirmation
  10. Think abstract (why not just how you're doing something)


    Have you tried...

    1. accountability
    2. delegation
    3. keepin' it real
    4. glass half full
    5. delayed gratification
    6. two at a time
    7. one at a time
    8. Om
    9. will I regret this in the morning?
    10. it's tempting...but no
    11. Tahiti. I hear it's a magical place...

    Where has the time gone?

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