There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals with visuals either illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.

(Goodwin, 1992)

"All the blue lights fighting with the crowds."

These lyrics will be accompanied by video of the public being self-absorbed by their phones whose screens use "blue light".


"How can all these people
Have so much to prove, prove, prove?"

This links to the area of society that thinks
they have to prove they enjoy life by posting
online. A similar sentiment to the line in
Bastille's Way Beyond- "if we don't post it,
does it matter?"


"Uptight downtown."

On screen will be the artist dancing,
overlaid with singing lips a la Rocky Horror.

"Where all the sirens are blowing."

Here there will be a visual link to a police station and perhaps a car.

"Streets are lined with people."

On the first occurrence of this lyric there will be bustling city streets. On the second, empty rural park area showing the growing disinterest in nature.

"Where are you all going?."

Time lapse of busy streets. For the past setting perhaps footage of young people fading from park areas.