Alexandre René
INM-6 Book club • 14 Jan 2022
Spectral solution method for distributed delay stochastic differential equations
Alexandre René
M.Sc. thesis (Ottawa 2016)
Also discussed:
Closest thing:
\(ξ(t) := \frac{1}{T} \int_0^T ξ(t) dt\)
\( W(T) := \int_0^T ξ(t) dt\) is a Brownian motion.
Let’s assume \(\mathbb{E} \left[ \int_0^T ξ(t) dt \right] = 0\). What should \(\mathrm{Var} \left[ \int_0^T ξ(t) dt \right] \) be ?
with \(W_1, W_2\) i.i.d.
\(D=1\) ⇒
Wiener process
Diffusion constant
What should the distribution of \(W(T) := \int_0^T ξ(t) dt \) be ?
with \(W_k\) i.i.d.
(Wiener process)
Central limit theorem ⇒ \(W(t)\) must* be a Gaussian RV:
(Brownian motion)
A solution to a stochastic diff. equation therefore take the form of a time-dependent random variable.
we use the Riemann-Stieltjes definition of an integral:
To compute objects of the form
For our purposes, we consider only drift-diffusion processes
the stochastic increment must be \(dW\)
(Gillespie 1996)
Reason: self-consistency to first order
(i.e. \(\sim \mathcal{N}(0, dt)\)).
the stochastic increment must be \(dW\)
It is generally safer to think of \(dt\) and \(dW\) as small finite differences, rather than true differentials
A drift-diffusion SDE thus provides an update scheme:
Itô interpretation, explicit
Stratonovich interpretation, implicit
(Euler-Maruyama scheme)
In the Itô interpretation, we have the following
←Itô only
Some authors (e.g. Kurt Jacobs) also write
but this is a leaky abstraction – it can lead to wrong results.
Given a function \(h(t, X(t))\), we have
Remark: If \(X(t)\) is Gaussian, then \(X(t+dt)\) is also Gaussian.
(A known initial condition – \(p(0, x) = δ(x-x_0)\) – counts as Gaussian.)
⇒ It suffices to solve for mean and variance.
Strategy: Obtain differential equations for the moments.
\(= 0\) under Itô
Integration factor
Full solution:
In particular, we have the stationary solution