Alexandre René
PyMoTW – 29 May 2020
class A:
def __init__(self, x:int):
self.x = x
class B(A):
def __init__(self, x:int, y:int):
# Remove y from signature
class A(BaseModel):
x: int
class B(A):
y: int
Normal python
Pydantized python
class Vector:
def __init__(self, r:float, θ:float):
if r <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"Negative radius")
if θ < 0 or 2*np.pi < θ:
raise ValueError(
"Angle outside [0,2π]")
self.r = r
self.θ = θ
class Vector(BaseModel):
r: PositiveFloat
θ: confloat(gt=0, lt=2*np.pi)
Normal python
Pydantized python
{'title': 'Vector',
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'r': {'title': 'R', 'type': 'number',
'exclusiveMinimum': 0},
'θ': {'title': 'Θ',
'type': 'number',
'exclusiveMinimum': 0,
'exclusiveMaximum': 6.283185307179586}},
'required': ['r', 'θ']}
class Complex(Vector):
def __init__(self, r:float, θ:float):
θ = θ % (2*np.pi)
super().__init__(r, θ)
def conj(self):
return Complex(self.r, -self.θ)
z = Complex(r=1, θ=0.75)
class Complex(Vector):
@validator('θ', pre=True)
def standardize_θ(θ):
return θ % (2*np.pi)
def conj(self):
return Complex(r=self.r, θ=-self.θ)
z = Complex(r=1, θ=0.75)
Normal python
Pydantized python
<__main__.Complex at 0x7fbf7c562580>
Complex(r=1.0, θ=5.533185307179586)
class VectorBasis:
def __init__(self, e):
if not isinstance(e, Iterable):
raise TypeError(
"e is not iterable")
if not isinstance(e, list):
e = list(e)
for ei in e:
if not isinstance(ei, Vector):
raise TypeError(
"e must be composed of Vector objects")
self.e = e
basis = VectorBasis([z, z.conj()])
class VectorBasis(BaseModel):
e :List[Vector]
basis = VectorBasis(e=[z, z.conj()])
Normal python
Pydantized python
<__main__.VectorBasis at 0x7fbf7c5263d0>
VectorBasis(e=[Complex(r=1.0, θ=0.75),
Complex(r=1.0, θ=5.533185307179586)])
TODO: Example real-world application
→ dict
≠ validation
Ecell = ParameterSet({'tau_m': 10.0, 'cm': 0.2})
Icell = ParameterSet({'tau_m': 15.0, 'cm': 0.5})
network = ParameterSet({'Ecells': Ecell, 'Icells': Icells}) = 0.7"network.param")
network2 = ParameterSet("network.param")
"Ecells": {
"tau_m": 10.0,
"cm": 0.2,
"Icells": {
"tau_m": 15.0,
"cm": 0.7,
from dataclasses import dataclass
class InventoryItem:
'''Class for keeping track of an item in inventory.'''
name: str
unit_price: float
quantity_on_hand: int = 0
def total_cost(self) -> float:
return self.unit_price * self.quantity_on_hand
Debugging validators is somewhat different; stack trace is less informative. This is because:
(that I found)
ValidationError: 2 validation errors for Vector
ensure this value is greater than 0
(type=value_error.number.not_gt; limit_value=0)
ensure this value is less than 6.283185307179586
(type=value_error.number.not_lt; limit_value=6.283185307179586)
from typing import List
Vector = List[float]
def scale(scalar: float, vector: Vector) -> Vector:
return [scalar * num for num in vector]
Common types:
Pydantic recognizes e.g. both `list` and `List`, with different meaning.
It also adds new types.
class UserModel(BaseModel):
name: str
username: str
password1: str
password2: str
def name_must_contain_space(cls, v):
if ' ' not in v:
raise ValueError('must contain a space')
return v.title()
def passwords_match(cls, v, values, **kwargs):
if 'password1' in values and v != values['password1']:
raise ValueError('passwords do not match')
return v
def username_alphanumeric(cls, v):
assert v.isalpha(), 'must be alphanumeric'
return v
where validators rely on other values, you should be aware that:
Validation is done in the order fields are defined. E.g. in the example above, password2 has access to password1 (and name), but password1 does not have access to password2.
If validation fails on another field (or that field is missing) it will not be included in values, hence if 'password1' in values and ... in this example.
class Vector(BaseModel):
r: PositiveFloat = 1
θ: confloat(gt=0, lt=2*np.pi) = 0
class A(BaseModel):
x: int
s: str
@validator('x', pre=True)
def check_x(cls, v):
if v < 0: # See PositiveInt
raise ValueError(
"`x` must be positive")
return v
def check_s(cls, v):
if len(v) > 10: # See min_length
raise ValueError(
"`s` must not be longer than 10")
return v
def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Execution order
Repeats for each parameter, in declaration order
class Foo(BaseModel):
a: int
b: int
def root_val_post(cls, values):
print("root val post")
return values
def root_val_pre(cls, values):
print("root val pre")
return values
def val_post_a(cls, a):
print("val post a")
return a
@validator('b', pre=True)
def val_pre_b(cls, b):
print("val pre b")
return b
@validator('a', pre=True)
def val_pre_a(cls, a):
print("val pre a")
return a
def val_post_b(cls, b):
print("val post b")
return b
Foo(a=1, b=1)
root val pre
val pre a
val post a
val pre b
val post b
root val post
class Foo(BaseModel):
a: int
b: int
def root_val_post(cls, values):
print("root val post")
return values
def root_val_pre(cls, values):
print("root val pre")
return values
def val_post_a(cls, a):
print("val post a")
return a
@validator('b', pre=True)
def val_pre_b(cls, b):
print("val pre b")
return b
@validator('a', pre=True)
def val_pre_a(cls, a):
print("val pre a")
return a
def val_post_b(cls, b):
print("val post b")
return b
root val pre
root val post
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-fdea65d60c59> in <module>
----> 1 Foo()
~/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/sinn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/ in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__()
ValidationError: 2 validation errors for Foo
field required (type=value_error.missing)
field required (type=value_error.missing)
class Foo(BaseModel):
a: int
b: int
def root_val_post(cls, values):
print("root val post")
return values
def root_val_pre(cls, values):
print("root val pre")
return values
def val_post_a(cls, a):
print("val post a")
return a
@validator('b', pre=True)
def val_pre_b(cls, b):
print("val pre b")
return b
@validator('a', pre=True)
def val_pre_a(cls, a):
print("val pre a")
return a
def val_post_b(cls, b):
print("val post b")
return b
Foo(a=[1,2], b=1)
root val pre
val pre a
val pre b
val post b
root val post
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-e67f50384fc4> in <module>
----> 1 Foo(a=[1,2], b=1)
~/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/sinn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/ in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__()
ValidationError: 1 validation error for Foo
value is not a valid integer (type=type_error.integer)
class Foo(BaseModel):
a: int
b: int
def root_val_post(cls, values):
print("root val post")
return values
def root_val_pre(cls, values):
print("root val pre")
return values
def val_post_a(cls, a):
print("val post a")
return a
@validator('b', pre=True)
def val_pre_b(cls, b):
print("val pre b")
return b
@validator('a', pre=True)
def val_pre_a(cls, a):
print("val pre a")
return a
def val_post_b(cls, b):
print("val post b")
return b
Foo(a=1, b=[1,2])
root val pre
val pre a
val post a
val pre b
root val post
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-ca8e22466f32> in <module>
----> 1 Foo(a=1, b=[1,2])
~/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/sinn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/ in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__()
ValidationError: 1 validation error for Foo
value is not a valid integer (type=type_error.integer)
class Foo(BaseModel):
a: int
b: int
def root_val_post(cls, values):
print("root val post")
return values
def root_val_pre(cls, values):
print("root val pre")
return values
def val_post_a(cls, a):
print("val post a")
return a
@validator('b', pre=True)
def val_pre_b(cls, b):
print("val pre b")
return b
@validator('a', pre=True)
def val_pre_a(cls, a):
print("val pre a")
return a
def val_post_b(cls, b):
print("val post b")
return b
Foo(a=[1,2], b=[1,2])
root val pre
val pre a
val pre b
root val post
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-fe07bec27756> in <module>
----> 1 Foo(a=[1,2], b=[1,2])
~/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/sinn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydantic/ in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__()
ValidationError: 2 validation errors for Foo
value is not a valid integer (type=type_error.integer)
value is not a valid integer (type=type_error.integer)
class A(BaseMode):
x: int
data: CustomDataType
@validate('x', pre=True)
def check_x(cls, v):
if v < 0: # See PositiveInt
raise ValueError("`x` must be positive")
return v
class Config:
allow = True
fields = {"data": {"description": "Recording in time-mV"}
json_encoders = {CustomDataType: CustomDataType.json_econder}
class Model(BaseModel):
opt: int = 0
Optional argument
class Model(BaseModel):
opt: Optional[int]
Optional argument,
stays None
class Model(BaseModel):
opt: float = Field(..., default_factory=time.time())
Optional argument,
computed default
class Model(BaseModel):
req: float
opt: str = None
@validator('opt', always=True, pre=True)
def set_opt(cls, opt, values):
req = values.get('req', None)
if req is None: return opt
return str(req)
Optional argument, default depends on other params
def check_user(cls, user, values):
a, b, c = (values.get(x, None)
for x in ('a', 'b', 'c'))
Extracting multiple attributes
class TestExtra(BaseModel):
__slots__ = ('processed_at',)
a: int
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
object.__setattr__(self, 'processed_at',
Internal variables which aren't part of the model
class Point(BaseModel):
x: float
y: float
def __init__(self, desc=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(desc, Point):
x = desc.x; y = desc.y
elif isinstance(desc, dict):
x = desc['x']; y = desc['y']
if 'x' not in kwargs:
kwargs['x'] = x
if 'y' not in kwargs:
kwargs['y'] = y
Overriding validators w/ __init__
class _ArrayType(np.ndarray):
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.validate_type
def validate_type(cls, value, field):
if isinstance(value, typing.NotCastableToArray):
raise TypeError(f"Values of type {type(value)} cannot be casted "
"to a numpy array.")
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
# Don't create a new array unless necessary
if cls._ndim is not None and value.ndim != cls._ndim:
raise TypeError(f"{} expects a variable with "
f"{cls._ndim} dimensions.")
# Issubdtype allows specifying abstract dtypes like 'number', 'floating'
if np.issubdtype(value.dtype, cls.dtype):
result = value
elif np.can_cast(value, cls.dtype):
result = value.astype(cls.dtype)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot safely cast '{}' type "
f"({value.dtype}) to type {cls.dtype}.")
result = np.array(value)
# Issubdtype allows specifying abstract dtypes like 'number', 'floating'
if np.issubdtype(result.dtype, cls.dtype):
elif np.can_cast(result, cls.dtype):
if cls._ndim is not None and result.ndim != cls._ndim:
raise TypeError(
f"The shape of the data ({result.shape}) does not " "correspond to the expected of dimensions "
f"({cls._ndim} for '{}').")
elif result.dtype != cls.dtype:
result = result.astype(cls.dtype)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot1 safely cast '{}' (type "
f"{result.dtype}) to type {cls.dtype}.")
return result
def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema):
# FIXME: Figure out how to use get schema of subfield
field_schema.update(type ='array',
items={'type': 'number'})
def json_encoder(cls, v):
"""See typing.json_encoders."""
return v.tolist()
class _ArrayMeta(type):
def __getitem__(self, args):
if isinstance(args, tuple):
T = args[0]
ndim = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
extraargs = args[2:] # For catching errors only
T = args
ndim = None
extraargs = []
if (not isinstance(T, type) or len(extraargs) > 0
or not isinstance(ndim, (int, type(None)))):
raise TypeError(
"`Array` must be specified as either `Array[T]`"
"or `Array[T, n], where `T` is a type and `n` is an int. "
f"(received: {', '.join((str(a) for a in args))}]).")
specifier = str(dtype)
if ndim is not None:
specifier += f",{ndim}"
return type(f'Array[{specifier}]', (_ArrayType,),
{'dtype': dtype, '_ndim': ndim})
class Array(np.ndarray, metaclass=_ArrayMeta):
Use this to specify a NumPy array type annotation; `pydantic` will
recognize the type and execute appropriate validation/parsing.
This may become obsolete, or need to be updated, when NumPy officially
supports type hints (see
- `Array[T]` specifies an array with dtype `T`. Any expression for which
`np.dtype(T)` is valid is accepted.
- `Array[T,n]` specifies an array with dtype `T`, that must have exactly
`n` dimensions.
>>> from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from mackelab_toolbox.typing import Array
>>> @dataclass
>>> class Model:
>>> x: Array[np.float64] # Array of 64-bit floats, any number of dimensions
>>> v: Array['float64', 1] # 1-D array of 64-bit floats