Similar locations to those in the trailer for Wiccan can be seen in may other paranormal horror films. 

Location 1: The Library

The location of a library is briefly seen in the trailer to Carrie when she is researching about the supernatural powers she has. It is shown in our trailer when Violet accidentally comes across the Book of Shadows. Both locations suggest the type of characters the main protagonists are; outcasts from society because they are different somehow.

Location 2: Violet's Bedroom

We wanted to feature Violet's Bedroom so the audience can get a feel of her personality and perhaps relate to her on some levels. It is common for the main character's bedrooms to be shown in paranormal trailers, particularly those belonging to children and teenagers to evoke sympathy as bedrooms can show a very innocent sides to certain people. Below are screenshots from The Babadook and Insidious 3.

Location 3: The Church

The church (and graveyard) are key locations in our trailer because it is so conventional for a paranormal film as it suggests death, longing and darkness. Audiences may either consciously or subconsciously recognise the location of the church with existing horror films they have previously seen. Below are screenshots from the trailers for Annabelle and The Devil Inside featuring the church; both look very intimidating.

Location 4: The Field

Similar to the church location, the isolated field is seen many times in paranormal horror trailers and audiences can again either consciously or subconsciously recognise the location of the church with existing horror films they have previously seen. In the screenshots below from the trailers to Sinister 2 and The Woman in Black, we can see various isolated locations, be that fields or marshes.

Location 5: The Office

The Spirit Guide's Office is also a fairly conventional location for paranormal trailers, which is seen in the 'repair' stage of the narrative. The trailers for Annabelle and Poltergeist utilise this location in the way I would like to in Wiccan. We want to make the location feel warm and inviting for the one in need making them feel like they have come to the right place and peace will eventually be restored.