The Crucifix

The crucifix is seen in the very last shot in our trailer when Violet holds it up and sacrifices Elizabeth. We wanted this prop to be effective and realistic as it is the last thing our audience will see, therefore sticking in their minds even after viewing the trailer.

The Making of The Crucifix

I decided to create the crucifix myself using some wood and tools. To do this, I cut two pieces of wood and nailed them together ensuring a smooth finish. To get the best look out of it, I then painted the crucifix brown.

The Rosary Beads

and The Bible

This iconography is seen when Elizabeth falls to the floor and is put in a coma. She will bleed from her hands from clenching the rosary beads so tight suggesting evil overcoming innocence. We chose these two props for this scene as they act as very spiritual and religious iconography so audiences can easily identify the film as a paranormal horror.

The Rosary Beads

and The Bible

We acquired both of these props which will be perfect for the scene. In this shot we will also use fake blood when it comes seeping out of her hand from clenching the rosary beads so tightly.

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is seen in the library scene when Violet finds it and begins to become interested in Wicca. This is a key prop in our trailer and a very memorable one.

The Making of the

Book of Shadows

To create the Book of Shadows, I found an old thick notebook and found images online to print out and stick over. I also created various pages of rituals to feature inside when the book is opened.