Culture and Tools
Experiments in Encouraging Maintenance
Adrian McEwen
DoES Liverpool
A makerspace is only as good as the making that comes out of it.
Photo: @LaurieJ
More Than a To-do List
Building Knowledge
Building History
Small Pieces, Loosely Joined
Making Visible
Thanks for helping make DoES Liverpool
cheapjack, johnmckerrell, magman2112, DoESsean, ajlennon, MatthewCroughan, amcewen, jackie1050, zarino, Helen-8, skos-ninja, Sean-anotherone, paulfurley, KarlDunkerley, goatchurchprime, huffeec, helicalbytes, N-Sinnott, DefProc, stevesparrow, aubergine10, paulgeering, saghul, drfraz, JimNixon, jamieisboss, epsaul, Dowz77, ReddbridgeMark, osfameron, djyldyz, fjfish, defnetmedia, Thingomy